#UTCOP - Why I Lift My Eyes to Him - Growing Through God's Word

We welcome Angie Webb today as a guest on UTCOP. Please read her bio at the bottom of this post.

Why I Lift My Eyes to Him

by Angie Webb

Angie Webb

Over the years, fear has been an easy place for me to find myself. Struggling with panic attack and agoraphobia led me down a road that was often bumpy, lonely as well as less than God intended for me, yet over and over I found myself there again. Round and round I would go with no end in sight.

Prayer was often a forgotten aspect of life, even though I knew God would listen, I did not feel worthy of the desperate prayers I so often needed to have answered. God and I were not best buddies, as I so wanted, not because of Him but because of me. I felt He had more “worthy” folks to help… certainly not me.

Can you relate? Do you feel your prayers are so pointless to God that you never pray?

Do you feel that God won’t listen or care?

Prayer is the lifeline between you and God. Without it, you are like a ship lost at sea.

How do you feel about prayer? Do you want God to know your needs, dreams and wants without ever uttering a word? How can He know your heart if you never open up and willingly share?

In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans (Romans 8:26, NIV).

As Christians, we often get so caught up with life and trying to keep all of the plates spinning, we can forget to remember to rely on Him and open our hearts up for the wonderful blessings He so desperately wants to shower upon us.

We get in our own way because of our pride as well as our doubts.

I doubted I was worthy of the desperate prayer for freedom to be answered; yet I so needed to be heard. Freedom from fear and agoraphobia was often my only thought and only prayer, but I had to be willing to pray. Laying down my doubts and pride was the first step to lifting my eyes to Him.

Without Him, freedom from fear would never be possible.

What are you praying for today? I want to offer you hope in reminding you that God hears each and every prayer we offer to Him. He is waiting for us to be willing to lay down our pride, doubt and fears so He can begin the work in our lives.

Today, take the time to lift your eyes up to Him for all you need, dream and want from this life. He is waiting to listen and perform miracles in your life.

The Lord is near to all who call on him,
    to all who call on him in truth (Psalm 145:18, NIV).


Lord, I come to you today and ask for you to meet each person reading this and to feel in their hearts how much you love them. Help us to always remember none of our prayers are a waste of your time or our time because each day is a new opportunity for an answered prayer. If not today, maybe another day soon.

We are worthy in your eyes of your time, love and new beginnings. We ask for you to forgive us where we fall short and to help us to keep moving toward the call, purpose and plan you have for us. We are forever thankful. In Jesus’ Name. AMEN.


Prayer is the lifeline between you and God. Without it, you are like a ship lost at sea. (tweet this)

Angie Webb photo

Angie Webb can be found at http://angiekaywebb.com.

There she shares her journey out of fear, anxiety and agoraphobia as well as how her life changed after the loss of her grandparents to a murder/suicide.

Angie offers hope and encouragement to others in similar situations. She has been married to her high school sweetheart, Mike for 30 years. They have two grown sons and three grandchildren.

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