What is the Devil's goal for your life on earth? - Raising Zion

devil's goal

What is the devil’s goal? To steal (God’s Word from your mind and heart), kill (spirit), and destroy (soul).

He will do whatever it takes to destroy mankind. He uses the things of this world to steal, kill and destroy.

What are the things of this world God despises?

For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world.

1 John 2:15-17

The Devil’s goal is to send mankind to hell

Satan is constantly roaming around to tear God’s children apart. (1 Peter 5:8). He is always looking for an opportunity to bring the righteous down. Satan’s only goal is to take as many of God’s children into the lake of fire. The devil is destined to burn forever in the eternal lake of fire.

As saints, we cannot afford to be ignorant of his devices. If you are focused on getting closer to God, the Holy Spirit will prepare you to face satan’s devices.

How to foil the devil’s plan against us? Jesus warns believers to watch and pray. When we watch and pray, the tempter will not be able to come near us.

What to watch? What music are you listening to? Which are the books that delight you? Is your career choice in line with God’s word? How are you spending your time?

What to pray for? For lost souls, labourers, the flock of God, the persecuted church, those who are sick, those in spiritual bondage, backslidden believers, and the likes.

Our victory lies in watching in God’s word and prayer. Sanctify your life through His word. Be with Jesus all the time. The day of Christ is here; Maranatha, Praise God and Amen!

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