What Will Your Gift Be?

Well, its been a minute since my last blog to you all.  To be honest I’ve missed you…:0) Ok now that I’ve got that out of the way.  Yeah…We are now officially in the Christmas season and everyone is thinking what gifts they will be buying and giving to those they love and care about.   This morning three things came to mind, the act of Love, Time and Gratitude.

I love this time of the year and this will be my first Christmas here in the UK since returning from overseas.  That alone fills me with Gratitude, being around those who were so far away, encountering new friendships and rekindling some old friendships.


In our lives, we tend to make time for the things we feel are important, and sometimes we use the time to keep busy but more so, finding God’s focus for us. Other times we use it in choosing a direction or moving ahead to accomplish a goal.  With God’s help, only you can determine how you use your time (Prov, 3:5, 6)

By making small steps and using your time faithfully, you can accomplish more then you could imagine and see the manifestation of great things in your life (Eccl, 9:10).

Which leads me onto Love, (Agape) meaning when we love each other completely without expecting something back in return (Matt. 22:34-40).  God’s blessing will continually flow in our lives. Sometimes it can be hard to love those we feel love us from afar or not at all.  God will always Love you, especially when you put your trust and faith in him. (Ps 5, 11)

Don’t let the actions of others deter you from giving and sharing your love, “You’re a Blessing”.

As we come to the end of 2018, what do you envision for yourself as you emerge into 2019? One of my favourite passages in the bible is:


Is long-suffering, Is Kind, Is not Jealous, Is not boastful, is not arrogant, Is not rude, is not selfish is not resentful, does not think evil, rejoices in truth, bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. (1 Cor. 13:1-13)


My hope is that we all remember that even though it’s lovely to be around those that care about us, there are others who will be alone, hurting or away from those they love.  Think about sharing some of your love before the end of 2018, and continue giving in 2019.  It’s down to you to choose how you do that, but as long as it is done with pure intent.  You can rest assured you have made a difference in another person’s life with impact.

I’m also grateful for the love of Christ, never failing and always providing, guiding and protecting. We can forget to give even when times feel challenging (1 Cor.10:31).  Our lives are a gift from God, stay humble and focused on God with the spirit of Humility. (Ruth 2:10).

It’s funny because we are blessed every day, it not about acknowledging and being grateful for the big things but equally in the small daily blessings and to the small kindness.

So until next time, Stay blessed.

Lisa x

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