Proverbs 6

The father of the son continues in his discourse with his son and shares with him some vital wisdom nuggets to save him from trouble.

Honesty in Shortcomings

There are times in our lives that we are unable to live up to our agreements or decisions. And instead of acknowledging our limitations and owning up, we pretend out of pride to give a false impression that we are able to handle ourselves. Whenever we hit a crossroad in life based on what we have previously said or on decisions made with anyone or a group of people particularly in the area of finances, it’s advisable we humble ourselves and acknowledge to the concerned parties or party on our limitations to continue on the agreement or decisions made.

Don’t suffer in silence at the expense of your sanity, dignity and name.


All through scriptures, you will notice that when a certain trait or character is to be communicated to man, animals that display these characters or traits are used as an example to challenge or make us step up our game. Here in the chapter, an ant shows us how to be diligent, proactive, and ever ready for any season of life.

At a very young age, whenever we traveled from one state to another back home, I usually saw an inscription at the back of big trucks and trailers ‘No food for a lazy man‘. This is very true. Poverty knocks on the door of those that decide to live carelessly and lazy. Our Lord Jesus Christ while on earth as a man, was never at any point lazy. He worked really hard with his disciples preaching, healing, and delivering all who were oppressed. For anything good we want to achieve, be it academics or career or ministry, we need to plan and work diligently for it to happen. Nothing just happens without our diligence put into it. Work was not a curse on man, it was given to him before the fall. Hard work doesn’t kill, rather it is rewarded at all times.

Let’s be like the ant by planning well for the future and ensuring we work diligently in all endeavors we have been called into.

We see again that in this chapter, almost 30% of those things that were listed as an abomination to God were centered on wickedness done to another human being. The unregenerate man is liable to imagine and carry out wicked acts against the innocent.


The life of Christ is void of wickedness. Wickedness should have no place in the life of a Christian. There are people who kill for money, influence, power, revenge, selfish reasons, to acquire someone else’s property etc. Stay clear from people who enjoy seeing other people, especially the innocent, suffer and are killed unjustly.

And lastly, adultery in marriage is again addressed in this chapter.  There’s certainly no room for a husband or wife having an affair outside of marriage. We can tag it as ‘entanglement’ or whatever, it’s still adultery. The negative outcomes of adultery on the husband, wife and children are far more devastating than the pleasure enjoyed while committing adultery.

Every young person should know that getting married doesn’t make you stay faithful to your spouse. It is your intentional will to honor God with your body and the power of the Holy Spirit that can keep you faithful and committed sexually to your spouse.


The earlier self-control is developed and cultivated while being single the better it will be when married. Self-control isn’t developed in marriage; it is developed while one is single.


Mo 🙂

A young woman on a mission to discovering purpose, to inspire growth and contribute to the Kingdom mandate. On the blog we are all about learning and growing and this is done through writing on topics from Faith, Education, Music, Food, Travel and so much more… (Romans 12:2)
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