'4-Letter Words' — Carol McLeod Ministries | Find Joy in Your Everyday Life

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There are so many “4-letter words” that are off-limits for believers in Jesus Christ … trust me … I won’t list those 4-letter and very colorful words here!

However, there are other “4-letter words” that must be a part of our daily reality as children of God.





There is another 4-letter word that has become a greatly valued and well-loved aspect of my life over the past few weeks. I believe that this word might become a standard and valued part of your daily reality as well.


The word is “rest”.

“Come to Me all you who are weary and heavy-laden and I will give you rest.” – Matthew 11:28

Rest is a gift from Jesus. He gives it to all of those weary and stressed-out people who simply respond to His invitation to “Come”.

Oh! Come! 

Come is yet another 4-letter word that cannot be ignored.



As the expected normal of America has changed and will continue to change, we are leaving jobs, relationships, entertainment, shopping, eating out, athletic events, schooling, graduation and a host of other well-loved activities.

We like being busy … and so we resist the rest.

Oh! There I go again … using a 4-letter word … busy!


I, unfortunately, in my life have wrongly placed gargantuan amounts of value on the quest of being “busy”. 

I have mistakenly believed that “busy” was certainly better than “rest”.

Nope … not in God’s economy!

In God’s opinion, which is the only opinion that actually matters may I hasten to add, rest is infinitely better than busy.

Even God chooses to rest.

“Then God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it, because in it He rested from all His work which God had created and made.” – Genesis 2:3

Rest is an often silent and always gentle friend that was created for your benefit. When rest enters the life of one of God’s beloved children, refreshment and restoration are sure to quickly follow. 

When you leave something like “busy” … be very aware of what you then choose to “come” to.

You see, every leaving also includes a chosen destination.

Where will your “leaving” take you? 

As you “leave” the old normal … what will your new normal be?

Will the new normal be staying up late and sleeping until noon?

Will the new normal include eating too much … watching Netflix … scrolling social media relentlessly … and criticizing the government?

What is your “new normal”?

“One of the most important decisions we will make during this season is what we will do with the time that’s been given to us.” – John Mason 

For me, I am choosing to “come” and to “rest”.

“Rest in the Lord and wait patiently for Him.” – Psalm 37:7

I have decided to count these days at home as a gift from my good, good Father! He knows exactly what I need every day of my life and for this moment in history … He has given me the gift of time.

Oh! There’s another 4-letter word again!!


When “time” and “rest” are measured on the scales of eternity, rest should always be heavier … weightier … and of greater value than anything else we choose to spend time on.

I think that part of the challenge that we are currently facing revolves around another 4-letter word that must not be ignored … cash.

We wonder if our cash flow will continue during this time and what will happen to our cash after all of this is over.










One of the things of which I am poignantly aware as I read my list of 4-letter words is that I must lay some of them down in order to receive all of the rich blessings that God has for me during this time.

I just can’t stop, can I?! There is another 4-letter word … rich.


I can choose to be ever so grateful for the rich blessings that are mine rather than focusing on all that I have lost.

I must trust Jehovah Jireh to provide cash for me rather than relying solely on stocks, bonds or employment.

I must continue to give of my finances even when less is coming in.

I must remind myself daily that it is not cash that makes me rich … it is Him that gives my life rare value and eternal significance.

I must cash in on this opportunity to spend time with Him and to pray.

I must lay down my preferred activities and give Him my time.

I must look at my formerly busy calendar and now view its empty pages as a gift rather than as a curse. 

Oh! There I go again … another 4-letter word … gift. 


What are the gifts that God longs to give you during this time?  

What are the gifts that He wants you to spend time opening while the call of the culture has been silenced momentarily?












What will you spend time doing over the next month?

hope that you will study my list of 4-letter words and choose wisely and well. 


Thanks for listening to my heart this week.  As you know by now, my heart is truly not a perfect heart but it is a heart that is filled to overflowing with gratitude for the life I have been given and for the people who walk with me.  And, it continues to be a heart that is relentlessly chasing after God and all that He is!  

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