A Praying Believer Overcomes the Challenges of Life - Raising GENERATION Zion

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Prayer is the only best place to pour your heart out. 

Some have dear ones to share as well. They are extra. Do not be distracted by extras when you have the privilege of coming before the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. 

Jesus shed His blood and rose again so we can come freely and boldly to the throne of grace with our requests. (Hebrews 4:16)

Do you feel victimised by the wrong done against you? Take it to the Lord in prayer. King David took his problems to God. He did not proclaim victimhood before man but surrendered himself in the presence of God to receive strength and become an overcomer. (1 Samuel 30)

Do you feel your enemy is mounting an impossible attack? Come to Jesus in prayer. God will destroy your enemies (demonic spirits and satan). King Jehoshaphat was required to face an army much more in number than his. He went to God in praise and prayers. He gathered everyone in his kingdom to join together, including children. (2 Chronicles 20)

Are you facing a wall, unable to see your future? Receive a fresh vision to move forward. 

Breaking Jericho’s wall required powerful weapons Israel did not have. God cracked it open when they poured all the glory and praise. 

Be a praying believer above everything else. 

Who is a praying believer?

She is one who loves the Lord wholeheartedly. She trusts only Him for all her problems, and comes with a clear expectation of receiving the perfect response. 

A praying person is a humble person. She believes that God alone can solve her problems. 

She stays surrendered like a child to a loving Father in His presence. Only to leave rejoicing and glad for having placed all her burdens on the One who promised to take care of everything.

Prayer reinforces your trust in Him. Love Jesus, and be filled with the Holy Spirits’ anointing of love to see breakthrough’s in His time. Maranatha, Praise God, and Amen. 

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