Apartment Living is Mission Field Ready — iWork4Him

Apartment Life is a ministry that is going to blow your mind. Why, because it is so simple!

I believe the enemy has been hard at work in the living conditions of renters. Apartments used to be close together with common space on the roof or a courtyard. Today, you can literally come and go in many apartment complexes and never see your neighbor. The economic impact of this disconnect on the apartment communities – costly, high turnover.

The Jesus Follower solution? Plant Jesus following couples and friends in apartment complex and teach them to live with intentionality with their neighbors. Churches across this country have regular attenders who live in rental housing but are they living with a missional mindset? It is a high calling to be able to impact such a large amount of people without ever leaving home.

Apartment complexes embrace Apartment Life because of its mission to build community. Why do they embrace it? Is it because they care about community? Love? Relationships? Jesus? Their reasons may be different, but community in the apartment complexes increases retention, and retention improves profitability.

This is a great Kingdom idea that comes from a biblical world view, benefitting the believer and the non-believer. Are you living with intentionality where you live?

As Jesus Followers we have within us the answer to the problems our neighbors are facing. It's time we start sharing our answers. Apartment Life is one of those really great ways to get started. Hear that show by clicking HERE


Matt. 22:39

39 Love your neighbor as yourself

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