Ask the Holy Spirit before you decide

Ask the Holy Spirit before you decide

By Babatope Babalobi +234 80 35 897435

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Genesis 3 vs 3

Genesis 3:3 KJV - But of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the  garden, God hath said, Ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye touch

  1. Eve’s mistake was that she listened to the devil without confirming the truth from the Holy Spirit.
  2. Eve’s mistake was she followed the devil’s counsel without testing it with the word of God.
  3. Confirm every decision with the Holy Spirit.
  4. Test every revelation, suggestion, thought, and desire with the word of God.
  5. Ask the Holy Spirit, study the word of God before you take any decision


  • Holy Spirit, I appoint you as my chief adviser.
  • Holy Spirit, be my counsellor
  • Holy Spirit, be my best friend
  • Holy Spirit, be my gist partner

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