Basket of Shame: "God, the Devil, and Divorce" Memoir Writing


Basket of Shame

Part 1 of the memoir is just about ready to be sent off to an editor for further work. So while I take a little break, I can no longer ignore my Basket of Shame. The truth is, while I'm in the midst of writing, I let paperwork pile up around me. I'm able to shut my mind off to it until company is coming. That's when I gather it all up and toss in the basket and stash in my office closet. 

One benefit in delaying dealing with the paperwork is that by the time I get to to some of it, it's no longer relevant and is easy to toss. Of course, if somehow a pending bill finds its way in the pile, that's not so good.

What gets me through the pile is some peppy music, many trips to the fridge, and the need to take a break and write another blog post or two. Oh, look at the clock. It's time to make dinner!

Can any of you relate?


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