Bible lessons on marriage you should remember

Marriage is one of the most beautiful and sacred sacraments known to mankind, but it is not always a bed of roses.

Every couple faces challenges at some point in their marriage. From communication breakdowns to financial struggles, every marriage has its ups and downs.

In line with this, there are Bible lessons on marriage that you can turn to for valuable insights on how to navigate these challenges.

This way, you can build a strong, lasting relationship with your spouse.

The Bible teaches Christians that marriage is a sacred union between a man and a woman.

It is designed by God to reflect His love and faithfulness toward His people.

Yet, this does not mean that marriage is easy or without struggles. In fact, the Bible records many stories of couples who faced great challenges in their marriage.

The stories also show that with God’s help, these couples were able to overcome their struggles. They then emerged stronger and more united than ever before.

This article explores some Bible lessons on marriage and how they can help you overcome the challenges you face in your relationship.

A couple getting married.
A couple getting married. (Photo by Jonathan Borba from Pexels)

Bible Lessons on Marriage: Arguments, Temptation, Divorce

What to Do During Arguments

In every marriage, arguments are bound to happen. It’s how you react to these situations that can make all the difference.

As mentioned in Proverbs 19:11, patience and forgiveness are important virtues to have in any relationship.

Choose to be slow to anger and overlook small offenses. Show humility and kindness to your spouse, which can go a long way in resolving conflicts.

Moreover, be quick to listen and slow to speak. As stated in James 1:19, this practice can help you to understand your spouse better. This way, you can respond with love and compassion.

When you are too quick to speak, you may say hurtful things that you don’t mean. As a result, this will cause more damage to your relationship.

On the other hand, when you take the time to actively listen, reflect, and choose your words carefully, you create a safe space for open and honest communication.

It helps to resolve disagreements and strengthens the bond between you and your spouse.

A couple having an argument.
A couple seems to be having an argument. (Photo by MART PRODUCTION from Pexels)

What to Do When Faced with Temptation

Temptation can be a powerful force in anyone’s life. And in marriage, it can be especially dangerous.

The Bible teaches that there is no justification for infidelity.

It is always a sin, so avoid falling into temptation by guarding your heart and mind.

Be mindful of what you watch, read, and think about. Moreover, actively seek to avoid situations that may lead you astray.

Remember that your commitment to your spouse and God is more important than any fleeting pleasure that temptation may offer.

In addition to guarding yourself from temptation, it is also important to have accountability in your marriage.

Be open and honest with your spouse and confess your struggles and seek support from one another.

It would also be helpful to have a community of trusted friends and mentors who can provide guidance and accountability.

Moreover, it does not have to be the ones you know in person. It could also be a trusted online community.

You could also try listening to Christian speakers online and see if they’ve addressed any similar concerns to what you and your spouse have.

More importantly, stay connected to God. This allows you to resist the temptation to stray from your marriage vows and keep your love for one another strong.

Better Option than Divorce

Marriage is a sacred bond designed by God to be unbreakable. As such, it requires intentional effort to keep it strong and healthy.

Marriage vows should be taken seriously. From this, harboring thoughts of divorce can be detrimental to the relationship.

Forgiveness is a crucial aspect of marriage. It is always better than divorce, even in the case of unfaithfulness.

In fact, forgiveness is essential to keeping tally of wrongs from adding up and erasing tension between spouses.

Although forgiveness is not always easy, it is a choice you need to make every day.

Choosing to forgive leads you to experience growth in your love and compassion toward each other.

Moreover, forgiveness allows commitment and faithfulness to become deeply rooted. This makes your relationship less likely to end in separation.

For those in a second marriage, remember that God gives second chances and new beginnings. While you cannot change the past, you can still build a new future.

A couple learning to forgive each other.
A couple poses for a photo. (Photo by Anete Lusina from Pexels)

Bible Lessons on Marriage: Keeping Love Alive, Being Right Partner, Filling Gaps

How to Keep Love Alive

Keeping the love alive in a marriage can be challenging. This is especially true when the daily routines of life can make it easy to take your spouse for granted.

As mentioned in Ephesians 5:25, love is not just a feeling. It is a choice that requires sacrifice and selflessness.

So, make a conscious effort to prioritize your spouse’s needs and desires.

One practical way to do this is to continue or revive the courtship into your married life. This means making time for each other.

Alternatively, you could also continue doing activities that you both enjoy.

It is also essential to express your love with small acts of kindness and affection. For example, surprise gifts or thoughtful gestures can go a long way in keeping the spark alive.

Moreover, as stated in Proverbs 17:17, treat your spouse as your best friend. Show them unconditional love and support. This way, you can build a lasting and fulfilling marriage with them.

A couple kissing a rose.
A couple kissing a rose. (Photo by Budgeron Bach from Pexels)

How to be Right Partner

Marriage is not about finding the perfect partner. Rather, it is about being the right partner.

It means looking for the good things in your spouse, having a sense of humor, being patient, kind, affectionate, and having a cheerful heart.

Criticism, nagging, and trying to reform your partner will only bring bitterness to your relationship.

Instead, try to make your spouse happy. This way, the goodwill likely takes care of itself.

Remember, only God can change people. Avoid trying to control or compel your partner to be what you want them to be. Instead, be their source of support.

For example, the wife of former NFL quarterback Kurt Warner wholly supported him in his faith journey. She challenged what he already knew about his faith and the Bible.

In turn, Kurt reveals that his faith became more personal.

Moreover, as unique individuals, you both bring something valuable to the marriage.

Together, you form a team with a shared goal of building a vibrant relationship that glorifies God and contributes to His Kingdom.

Learn how to use your strengths and weaknesses. So, when troubles come your way, you can hold each other up.

Two are better than one. When you work together as a team, you can endure and overcome any obstacle that comes your way.

How to Fill Gaps in Your Relationship

God’s love is perfect and when you invite Him into your marriage, His love fills the gaps that human love cannot.

Moreover, God’s love is patient, kind, and forgiving. When you choose to love each other with God’s love, you can overcome any obstacle.

Grow in a relationship with God. Not only will you see yourself become closer to Him, but also each other.

Additionally, the Bible teaches that a cord of three strands is not easily broken (Ecclesiastes 4:12). With this, inviting God into your relationship creates a strong bond that cannot easily be destroyed.

Keep Him in the center of your marriage and see how He works His way into your relationship.

An old couple happily discussing Bible lessons on marriage to continue their strong relationship.
An old couple seems to be viewing a book. (Photo by cottonbro studio from Pexels)

Bible lessons on marriage can help you build and maintain a strong, healthy, and fulfilling relationship. T

he importance of forgiveness, holding each other up, and growing together in a relationship with God cannot be overstated.

Put these principles into place and weather the storms that come your way.

As a result, you can experience the joy and blessings that come with a successful and lasting marriage.

But remember that as you strive to be the best spouse you can be, you must also remember that God’s grace and love are always available to you.

Draw on them to strengthen your marriage and bring you and your spouse closer together.

Moreover, continue to learn, grow, and love in your marriage, guided by the wisdom and teachings of the Bible.

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I'm a Christian who sees the church as my second home. Not only were my parents the ones who raised me, but our church elders and members also played a significant role. However, despite attending church every Sunday, I still have some questions regarding my faith. As a writer, the articles I create serve as answers to the questions I've had and continue to have, and I hope they can serve a purpose for others who are searching for the same answers.