Unity on "Team Jesus"
On a humid day in July, I kicked up some dust while taking laps on the gravel track around a football field. My son and many other boys—and a couple of brave girls—were on the field with their...
On a humid day in July, I kicked up some dust while taking laps on the gravel track around a football field. My son and many other boys—and a couple of brave girls—were on the field with their...
If we are not “in harmony” with each other, there will be no resonance in the spirit – no amplified authority to override the oppositions static. It is only when we deal with the issues of our heart that true oneness can happen.
What is so extraordinary is that these leaflets were distributed so widely, as in telephone booths, mailed to important professors, and taken by courier to other universities, that the Nazi party thought it was being backed by a very large terrorist group rather than a small group of students. Her friend, Else Gebel remembers the last words Sophie said, “How can we expect righteousness to prevail when there is hardly anyone willing to give himself up individually to a righteous cause…What does my death matter if, by our acts, thousands are warned and alerted.” And then she said, “God, my refuge into eternity.” But this phenomenal story doesn’t end here! Playwright Lillian Groag said in Newsday on February 22, 1993, “It is possibly the most spectacular moment of resistance that I can think of in the twentieth century…The fact that five little kids, in the mouth of the wolf, where it really counted, had the tremendous courage to do what they did, is spectacular to me.
A few weeks ago, much of the US was under a severe winter storm. My corner of middle Tennessee shut down, and I did not leave the house for days. I already work from home (as does my wife), and we …
Denominations ‘shmominations. Were denominations Jesus’ idea? NO! Of course not. He wanted us to walk in unity as He said in John 17:20-23. I have seen incredible unity in the body of Christ out in the marketplace. On Sunday, we are the most segregated and separated people on the planet. But nobod
It's in the Trinity of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit that we see the perfect out-workings of unity. While they are separate and distinct Beings, they don't compete with one another but complement each other in their unique roles of saving, sustaining, and sanctifying believers. As believers, separate and distinct, we are called to model our lives after the behavior of the Trinity, based on Ephesians 4:2, "maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace." As we surren
Universalism offers a semblance of Christianity with the unseemly parts edited out.
I can’t put into words my degree of nostalgia in seeing the name John Stott, much less reflecting on his words.
5 ways the church can better engage culture.
The first purpose of the church is to exalt God (upward)... Why should believers go to church? To exalt God—to reach upward.
Marriage is one of the most beautiful and sacred sacraments known to mankind, but it is not always a bed of roses. Every couple faces challenges at some point in their marriage. From communication breakdowns to financial struggles, every marriage has its ups and downs. In line with this, there are Bible lessons on marriage
I hope that today’s post meets you and your family members well? I also pray that God’s peace continues to guard all of your hearts. Today’s topic has been on my mind a lot lately and I thought it’d be a good idea to share some of the verses I’ve been meditating on, so that we can all continue to grow in faith through being encouraged by God’s word.
How can you help encourage women to return to church? Katie asked Revive Our Hearts Ambassadors to weigh in.
We spend so much time getting ourselves through the chaos that surrounds us that we are exhausted. And no hike—or Christian walk—ever ends well when we get to the place of utter exhaustion.
I often tell them there are some paradigms of growth they need to make sure they have. These have been in place each time we’ve grown.
The Christian Author online Publishing Class was held last year, Saturday, April 23, 2022. We had a great time online with the Christian Author Initiative training program. We sincerely hope to have another edition this year by the grace of God. In the meantime, I want you to be in the look out for the […]
Want to help your children develop a strong spiritual foundation? Check out our comprehensive guide on creating the best Bible reading plan for kids.
Over the years I have met many people who called themselves ex-Christians, people who for one reason or another gave up their faith and stropped believing in God. What are the reasons people leave …
God’s New Testament tabernacle is a living building. The Old Testament tabernacle was merely “a figure of the true” (Heb. 9:24). Every aspect of the Old Testament tabernacle is a …
Paul tells us in 1 Corinthians 3:10-11 that “According to the grace of God given to me, as a wise master builder I have laid a foundation…which is Jesus Christ.” In the next two v…