“Why is my language not clear to you? Because you are unable to hear what I say.”

-John 8:43, NIV

“When he [the devil] speaks a lie, he speaks from his own resources, for he is a liar and the father of it.  But because I tell the truth, you do not believe Me.”

-John 8:44b-45, NKJV

At some point, I believe Cheaters become ensnared in their own lies. They lose touch with reality.

Confirmation bias does not allow them to hear and understand truth. They cannot let in contradicting information about the goodness of the faithful partner. That would undermine their discarding of them. It messes with the negative narrative they have crafted.

Like the Pharisees in Jesus’s day, Cheaters are given to the lie and cannot assimilate truth. It is a very, very sad state of things.

At such a point, I would encourage faithful spouses not to join them in that negative fantasy land. Hold to the truth. They are allowed to believe whatever lies they want to believe. You do NOT have to agree!

Cheaters make it a habit of lying in order to cheat. Why should it surprise us that they lie about us and our marriage? This is what they do.

They will construct a negative fantasy narrative of our marriage in order to protect themselves. Liars lie. Nothing new is here. We simply do not have to agree with such lies.