Hope Now and Forever #WOGS linkup - Growing Through God's Word

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I have been thinking this week about hope – hope now and forever. We lost a wonderful joyful calm brother-in-law this week. We celebrated his life and we know he is with Jesus. But we mourn. We are the ones who are left here on earth.

As I think about our faith and the hope we are given I remember this acronym:

Hope now and forever

This openness – how did it happen?

At Pentecost the Spirit of God descended onto the disciples and the world. They were filled with the Holy Spirit. God resides now on earth through His Spirit and all those who accept Jesus are filled with it.

We need to be open to receive it in order to find hope now and forever.

hope now and forever

The Holy Spirit has been here on earth since Jesus’ death and resurrection and the coming of Pentecost.

we have to receive the revelation that He is here (Oswald Chambers).

It is Christ’s power that comes to us when we are open to receive it. That power is given so we can see Jesus and realize that this is eternal life – from this moment on and forever.

And this is eternal life, that people can know You the only true God, and Jesus Christ, Whom You have sent (John 17:3, NIV).

Perceiving eternity – can be in the now, knowing Christ, having
hope for now and forever.

I love 10 000 Reasons by Matt Redman.

Still my soul will sing Your praise unending
Ten thousand years and then forevermore


We need to be open to receive it in order to find hope now and forever (tweet this).

How can we perceive eternity? – know Jesus Christ (tweet this).

The waiting depends not on God’s providence, but on our own fitness ~ Oswald Chambers (tweet this).

Update on my next children’s book:

Now and forever

I think we have jumped through some hurdles and we are on the way to the finish line. Stay tuned for the news.

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