“I didn’t mean to hurt you,” says tearful Cheater.

-No mention of what they did being wrong.

-No hint that they would not do it, again.

-No remorse for your pain.

They are trying to manage their own conscience and protect their image with this sort of a statement. What they cannot handle is facing that they ARE the type of person who cheats on their spouse. So, they dress it up as “an” unintentional action.

This statement is bovine excrement.

Intentions matter not. The fact is that they DID hurt us. They did things–like habitually lie, live a double life, and cheat–that a reasonable person would know are morally wrong and hurtful.

If you truly did not intent to hurt the faithful spouse, you would not engage in such sinful behavior. Their actions expose this as yet another lie, in my opinion.

Saying that they did not intend to hurt us while teared up does not make it any better. The damage is done. Besides, it strikes me more as a statement that they hate consequences to their actions as opposed to hating their sin.

Plus, can you ever really believe a habitual liar?

A Cheater saying such things is doubling down on minimizing their sin and attempting to avoid consequences. Don’t be taken in by it!