The foothold of Unforgiveness..

I saw her walk into the hall and something jumped in my stomach, maybe they were butterflies, but not the kind that comes when you’re in love.
Those ones were angry butterflies. Those butterflies were loyal enough to share in my rage and discomfort.
I tapped my lap quietly, I was tapping calmness and comfort to my life and soul. It wasn’t working, nothing was.I quietly stood up when memories started walking back into my head without my consent, I didn’t want to cry, at least not there. Walking back to my car seemed like the only available option for me.

As I opened the door, Ephesians 4:31 & 32 – Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice.
Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you – found a place in my head and sat quietly.

‘What! I’m not keeping malice, and I had definitely forgiven her.’ I almost screamed out in defense, but I knew it wasn’t true the moment I said it. I keep saying I had forgiven her, but I knew I wasn’t ready to, I knew she didn’t deserve forgiveness. It made everything I said about forgiving her useless, because it contradicted what was on my mind.

I hadn’t really forgiven her because I wasn’t free. I didn’t feel like I was free, I still felt hurt, I still felt like I was in chains.

I still went to my car, but for a different reason this time. I needed to ask for help in forgiving the way the Father forgives, I wanted to be free.

Scripture says don’t give any foothold to the enemy, a foothold of strife, a foothold of arguing, a foothold of unforgiveness. (Eph. 4:26-27)
All these are things the enemy can use as a foothold and stay in your life. The devil may have one or more of these footholds in your life and it may not stop you from praying or reading the Bible, or doing what believers of God are involved in, but hey, these things grow in your life and can make you drift from God. It doesn’t give you the peace which comes from God.
Love matters too.
Peace matters, forgiveness matters. Let’s not filter what we want in the Bible and leave the rest for Christ. Everything matters. The Bible says to flee from all appearance of evil and not just some, don’t give the devil a chance. He’s really looking and watching, roaming around the parts of the earth, looking for whom to devour.
He can only find you when he finds hate, unforgiveness, strife and malice in your life. He’s connected to every kind of evil, so He’ll be attracted to you, when he finds something related to Him.
Don’t give him that chance.
Forgive that person. Forgive that person.

Bitterness could be irritations that have simmered inside you long enough until they’ve turned into tolerable dislikes.
We all know that God can deal with every kind of sin, so letting people go by forgiving them is you giving God the reins and giving Him the pressure of judging. We can’t always be the best police or judge over the actions of people, but we can step out of the way and let God be the Judge. He has always been the best Judge.
Rom.12.19 – Do not take revenge, my friends, but leave room for God’s wrath, for it is written: “It is mine to avenge; I will repay,” says the Lord.

There is a certain kind of freedom that comes with forgiving people. Jesus came to set us free from the shackles of hate, bitterness and the rest of those sins our flesh is wired to push us to.
Gal.5.1 – It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.

Yes, it’s a yoke of slavery when you let unforgiveness and hate rule over you. In most cases, the actions of that person might seem unforgivable, but we’ve found the freedom to forgive in God’s forgiveness for us. His forgiveness for us ushers us into a grace that can turn off the fire of rage, hatred, bitterness or animosity that someone must have lit in our lives

Yes, you can forgive.
You have the Grace to. If it’s hard for you, there’s help and Grace in the Father’s throne, tell Him you want to be free. He’ll help you let go.

There is no time to let the devil rule over our hearts, let’s show him the way out. We know right. We know better.
Love the way Christ loves.

Col.3.7 – You used to walk in these ways, in the life you once lived.
Col.3.8 – But now you must rid yourselves of all such things as these: anger, rage, malice, slander, and filthy language from your lips.


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