The Privileged Life: Evergreens

“The eternal God is your refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms.” Deuteronomy 33:27a

During the Christmas season, I can’t get enough of the fragrance of evergreens. From candles to hand soap to lotion to potpourri, I drench myself and our home in the tangy resin scent of fir, spruce, and pine. It refreshes my soul!

When friends gave us a beautiful evergreen wreath a couple of weeks ago, we were a bit puzzled about where to display it. We had no good options for placing it outdoors. But then, we settled on the perfect spot—on the window next to our kitchen table. What a privilege each day to have the “real thing” scenting our kitchen! 

The Christmas evergreen tree is a symbol of the eternal blessing of Christmas. We decorate our homes on purpose with fresh branches that are still green long after deciduous leaves have turned brown and fallen—the evergreens remind us that God was, is, and always will be. They speak of God’s dwelling place where He invites us to join Him in infinite life.

Even though Christ entered our world as a tiny baby at a single point in time, He is eternal as well, risen to everlasting life, reigning until His eventual return. He knows our past, present, and future—He is sovereign over all of it, and His purposes for us are good. What comfort to know that our lives are in the hands of an infinite, almighty Creator!

As you smell the fragrance of fresh boughs this week, ponder the great sacrifice that the everlasting Christ made to dwell among us, that we might behold His glory. Bury your nose in soft needle-leaves and be reminded of His gift of eternal life to you. Live as a fragrant sacrificial offering to Him, sharing His gift with others you meet.

Jesus Christ, One with the Eternal Trinity, Everlasting Prince of Peace—enter our hearts this Christmas season so we can see Your majesty as our King of glory. Fill us with Your fragrance that we may spread your joy to others. In Your magnificent name, Amen.

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