True Love
"Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one's life for his friends." -- John 15:13 (NKJV)
During this month and in this season, we often think of romantic love, of Cupid and his arrows aimed at people's hearts, causing them to fall in love. Such a picture of romance is displayed in Scripture from the Song of Solomon 2:4, "He has brought me to his banquet hall, and his banner over me is love." (NKJV).
And of course, we also see the material aspect of this season of love, the giving and receiving of heart-shaped boxes of rich chocolates, beautiful bouquets of roses, not to mention private dinners with a special someone. And countless greeting cards, digital cards, social media posts, websites, stuffed animals, perfume and cologne, slippers, pajamas, and everything else under the sun to market the idea of love to us as consumers.
In addition, during this season, we see special events just for sweethearts like formal dinners, movies, TV shows, musicals or concerts. And even for the little ones, there are activities like school plays, Valentine card exchanges, eating and sharing chocolate kisses or small candy hearts with funny "love" sayings engraved on each, or savoring oh-so-sweet chocolate cupcakes. Everyone can get in on that action!
As I reflected further on this interesting aspect of love in our culture, I thought about the many places we see a tug on our heart strings as advertisers use love to market products, places, or ideas. For example, we all remember the creative Hallmark greeting card slogan, "When you care enough to send the very best!". Well, who wouldn't want to send the very best?
We have also seen other marketing for certain locations including one with the slogan, "I love New York!" And then to attract even more tourism, we have heard that "Virginia is for Lovers!" You do not want to miss that state! And many of us know that Philadelphia marked itself years ago with the slogan, "The City of Brotherly Love".
Brotherly love has its own descriptor, "phileo love", understood as close bonds or emotional ties between friends. Paul explains this concept to us as he wrote to his friend in the faith, "For we have great joy and consolation in your love, because the hearts of the saints have been refreshed by you, brother." (Philemon 1:3, NKJV)
And in the big scheme of things, there are other types of love beyond brotherly love and the romantic. For example, we all know the wonder of love between a mother and her child, such a beautiful picture. And even the love between brothers and sisters, although it might take place later in life. Yes, it eventually does!
And as believers walking out our faith, we experience yet a unique type of love, called "agape love", the unconditional, sacrificial love for others. We display agape love through our faith in action. As followers of Jesus, we serve through activities or share our resources and time to help others. Often, we serve people who cannot repay us. We encounter these people beyond family ties but typically within our sphere of influence. I firmly believe that our heavenly Father sends us out to serve when we least expect it. He has a specific plan for each of us in His love.
Our heavenly Father intends to grow our hearts and increase our faith in Him as we act out His true love toward others sharing agape love. This love in action is our earthly example pointing others to our heavenly Father's love. The Apostle John wrote about this powerful love, "Beloved, let us love one another, for love is from God; and everyone who loves is born of God and knows God." (1 John 4:7, NKJV)
And from this discourse on love, we learn a lifestyle of true love from Jesus, "the Author and Finisher of our faith." (Hebrews 12:2, NKJV) Writers of Scripture showed us how Jesus taught His example of phileo love through the disciples and their followers, through Timothy and Paul, and many others. In Scripture, we read how Jesus taught us His example of agape love, through the feeding of huge crowds with five loaves and two fishes, (Luke 9:13-17, NKJV). During His earthly ministry, Jesus also shared agape love and hope through miracles of healing, the casting out demons, raising the dead and cleansing the lepers, (Matthew 10:8, NKJV).
And most importantly, we know that our heavenly Father sent His best, Jesus. His heavenly obedience to the Father's will led Jesus to demonstrate "Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down His life for His friends." (John 15:13, NKJV) Jesus did this once and for all on the Cross that we may receive salvation and eternal life.
True Love.
Questions for Reflection:
1. What do you love the most about your relationship with Jesus?
2. How do you daily demonstrate your love for others based on your love for the Lord?
3. How do you love your neighbors well on a daily basis? If you aren't currently doing this, what can you do to show love in action for others?