Love The Lord Your God
Be very careful to love the Lord your God. Joshua 23:11 Joshua witnessed the power of God since the days of Moses. When Moses died, the Lord chose Joshua to
Be very careful to love the Lord your God. Joshua 23:11 Joshua witnessed the power of God since the days of Moses. When Moses died, the Lord chose Joshua to
Discouragement... It seems to be “going around” this week. We all need encouragement! Here is how to turn Joshua 1:9 into your prayer of courage.
Discouragement... It seems to be “going around” this week. We all need encouragement! Here is how to turn Joshua 1:9 into your prayer of courage.
A field of green grass. (Photo by Jahoo Clouseau from Pexels)Like the Israelites, have you been wandering in the desolation of anxiety and fear for many years of your life?The story of Joshua in the Bible reminds us that with faith in God and utmost courage, we can cross our...
Here is a brief summary of the prayers in the book of Joshua, by Dr. Mark McDowell. What do we learn from this book about prayer, where the Israelites are not always faithful to God?
Join Dr. Mark McDowell as he explores the final prayer in the book of Joshua—a blessing prayer. Yet, like many other prayers in Joshua, this has its problems. What can we learn about our own prayers from it?
Join Dr. Mark McDowell as he explores this lament prayer from Joshua. Laments are not often heard today, but they can be a rich addition to our prayer life.
Dr. Mark McDowell explores this passage from Joshua, which sounds like a prayer but he’s probably not. What’s going on here, and what does it teach us about prayer?
The book of Joshua is interesting because of its presentation of opposing themes. On the one hand, the story demonstrates God’s faithfulness to His people. He had promised them their own land, and in the book of Joshua, He gives it to them. On the other hand, the book full of instances where the people ignored God’s directions, acted with greed, and relied on themselves rather than God.
Receiving the gift of Resilience through my One Word 2022 journey took every bit of the twelve-month adventure.
Rahab in the Bible. Oh, Rahab! I’ve been asked which biblical figures I’d most like to meet or have dinner with on several occasions. Of course, Jesus, Mary, and Paul are on my list, but I have one biblical character on my list that is a bit more, well, shall we say, colorful: Rahab. Rahab
What are some things that worry and cause you anxiety daily? A difficult child? Your work/career? Not enough money to buy food? Here are seven scriptures to help you curb worry and anxiety today.
There are biblical ways of overcoming challenges. I am going to show one of the ways today. Christians have been prepared to lean on God to overcome challenges and obstacles. God wants to help His children to overcome any obstacle that may stand between their success or breakthroughs. Related: How do you overcome obstacles […]
Have you ever been through a season of spiritual dryness? No resolve or motivation to read Scripture? No yearning to be with God’s people? No desire to talk about him or be admonished by his Spirit? Scripture seems dull. His people seem dry. It is not well with your soul. Outwardly, life keeps going. But inwardly there is a torrent of emotion as you wrestle with a lack of feeling toward God. Not surprisingly, most Christians would resonate with one or more of these statements. This is called…
Our world today is corrupted by the greed of evil desires. Instead of loving; they hate. Celebrating a friend’s success has also become a thorn in the flesh for others. It is time every human pay attention to what the Bible says about jealousy.
On today’s Turning Mountains into Molehills’ devotional, we explores the ways to use Bible verses to combat excuses for not following Christ.
My essay on the long day of Joshua has generated a good amount of response from readers. It seems that many people are interested in understanding what happened at the battle of Gibeon. If you are …
The long day of Joshua is one of the better known and probably the most controversial astronomical events in the Bible. Many Christians love to use this passage in order to demonstrate the power an…
Check out the So We Speak podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify. Joshua is placed right after the book of Deuteronomy which records all of the law and Israel’s journey up to that point. The first five books (known as the Pentateuch or Torah) recount human history from Creation through the Exodus of Israel from Egypt. Joshua is the story of the fulfillment of God’s promise to Abraham to bring Israel into Canaan (Genesis 12). Surprisingly, we know who Joshua is before this book begins. Joshua is…
Discouragement… It seems to be “going around” this week. Here is how to turn Joshua 1:9 into your prayer of courage.