New Book for the Mom Who Wants to Stay at Home - Be Whole, Mom

New Book for the Mom who wants to stay at homeIn the midst of all the chaos surrounding our recent move and transition, I have not had a chance yet to share some exciting news!  A good blogger friend of mine, Erin Odom of the Humbled Homemaker, is days out from releasing her newest book “You CAN Stay Home with Your Kids!”  I was so humbled and excited when Erin asked me to be part of her launch team, and all I have to say is that this book is jam-packed with tips, tricks, ideas, and solutions to help keep costs low, health up, and bring a stay-at-home mom ambition into the hopes of reality.

Now, I know not everyone desires such a thing, and if not, this book may not be for you.  But, seriously, who is not looking to save some money on things to help bring ends together smoothly?  So, whether your intention is to be a stay-at-home mom or not, this book will still add great value to your life simply from the perspective of cost savings!

I have been a stay-at-home mom for over 12 years now, and seriously I have never regretted the decision to come home.  I was originally in the Navy working as a Cryptologic Technician, but honestly, it was never the life for me.

Once my first baby was born, I could hardly bring myself to leave her the first day I returned back to work, and I dreaded the idea of repeating the trend for much longer.  So, nine months after her birth (and with another baby on the way) I finished my enlistment time with the Navy and joined the league of stay-at-home moms.  I was THRILLED!

What was NOT thrilling, however, was our loss of income, and it took us a period of time to find our bearings again.  Honestly, we had NO idea how much money we were in fact making living in Hawaii, with all the additional allowances that the military provided, under two incomes with full benefits.  NO IDEA…

We spent a LOT.  We ate out regularly, went to the movies pretty much every weekend, spent time in Waikiki…the works.  So, when I left the military we had a steep learning curve upon us.

The Throes of Life Taught Me to Live Frugally

We racked up a bit of debt once I got out, but thankfully, I did learn pretty quickly how to adjust to my husband’s income alone.  I learned more about cooking from home, buying things on sale, looking for lower prices, and more.  I turned to more natural remedies for health needs, and even experienced my first home birth (since the idea of going back to the hospital for my second child terrified me).

Let me tell you, I have tried and done a LOT of things to bring the financial ends together, and still, this book is full of even MORE ideas to try!  It literally blows my mind!  Erin has done an astounding job of sourcing out valuable solutions to every day issues that do not have to break the mental load with so many things to navigate (for me this was couponing…I just could NEVER get into it.  Between the things to keep track of in paper and sales, etc. and the actual products themselves not being things I ever would want to buy anyway most of the time, it just never worked for me).

I cannot tell you how excited I am to put more of these to the test when we settle into our apartment and eventually house (SQUEE!!!!!).  For now some ideas I am using are:

  • living on a budget (ALWAYS)
  • carefully selecting wants vs. needs
  • delayed gratification
  • pay with cash
  • cut out extra bills
  • eliminate cable
  • choose simple meals
  • throw simple celebrations
  • meal plan
  • cook from scratch
  • shop for discounts
  • frequent thrift stores and second-hand shops FIRST
  • ALDI’s!
  • Bulk buy for select items
  • and more…

These are just some of the things I have been doing for years, but Erin has ideas about making cleaning products from scratch (let me tell you, I am super excited to give these a try!  There are a LOT in the book to try out!), resources for reduced cost food items, freezer meals (which I look forward to doing again once we get our deep freezer back…YAY!), and cheaper family entertainment ideas.

Slow and Steady WINS!

Maybe all of this seems super overwhelming to you.  If so, take a big deep breath with me right now.  BREATHE IN…..AND OUT……..

First, no one eats the elephant of frugality in one bite.  EVERYONE who has ever stepped into living in a mode of trying to cut costs and save has done so a little bit at a time.  If you’re new to this concept, select one or two of your major cost areas and focus on bringing them down first.  Maybe it’s your bills; maybe it’s your food budget.  Look at where you can make initial cuts, and then where you can make some changes to reduce the spending.

Take this a little bit at a time, because the opportunity for burnout is definitely present.

BUT, over time, with a little change here and a little change there, you will be amazed at the savings you will experience with your household, and the financial peace that will begin to emerge over time.

Since we are in the midst of a total life transition, moving back into a house in a few months after living in a 30′ travel trailer for the last 3 1/2 years.  We will be purchasing a LOT of things in the next few months and I am totally trying to get ahead of the overwhelm.  I am thankful that this book came into my hands at this time, because it is a great reminder of the opportunity to mindfully and diligently bring items into our home with purpose, intention, and on a budget.

I have every intention to continue to live simply, even while moving back into the normalcy of modern life.


PROMO image for Book

So, here’s the skinny: the book officially launches on April 10, so we only have a few more days to go!

If you want to buy through my affiliate link on Amazon, here it is.  Otherwise, go here to purchase ahead through various retailers of your choosing.  Your choice =0)


After you make your pre-sale purchase, don’t miss the next step: CLAIM YOUR FREEBIES!!!

These freebies are AWESOME.

FUDGE, BATH BOMBS, Aldi’s Shopping lists, and more!

Seriously…who doesn’t need fudge and bath bombs?  I’m sold.  Lol.

But, for real, I truly hope that you give this book a shot.  I am such a fan of Erin’s work and her story is such a beautiful testimony to the provision of God in times of struggle.  Hers truly flanks my own saga, and I am thrilled to know such a wonderful person.

The book officially launches next Tuesday, so be sure to buy your pre-sale book and claim your freebies by Monday night!  Enjoy!



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