Come — Carol McLeod Ministries | Find Joy in Your Everyday Life

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Are you in a stormy season in life?  Do you feel like circumstances, people and events have all gathered against you in one torrential downpour of disappointment? 

If so – you are the reason why I wrote my new book, StormProof: Weathering Life’s Tough Times”. 

Some seasons in life are just stormier than others, aren’t they?  And it is when life’s unremitting forecast culminates in squalls of epic proportions that we need a Shelter.  We need a safe place to ride out the storm. 

For the next few weeks, I will be sharing excerpts of my book, StormProofwith you in this blog.  If it whets your appetite, or speaks to your heart in any way, I hope that you will pre-order your copy today

“The righteous Noah and his family had obeyed the voice of the Lord; they had spent one hundred and twenty of the best years of their lives building an enormous boat that others mocked. After choosing to live uprightly in the midst of a culture of compromise, and after hearing the voice of the Lord and obeying it exactly, Noah was now called to yet another level of obedience.

            Then the Lord said to Noah, “Come into the ark, you and all your household, because I have seen that you are righteous before Me in this generation.” (Genesis 7:1 NKJV)

In the days leading up to the tempest that would destroy every living thing on earth that was outside of the ark, God made this invitation to Noah and his family: “Come….” 

Allow this word to usher your heart into a place of peace today. Regardless of what storm you may be facing, the Father is quietly but confidently asking you to come to Him; He is inviting you into the ark of His presence, where there is always safety and protection from any of life’s storms. As a child of the living God, what destroys the lives of others will have no damaging power in yours when you respond to His glorious invitation to “come.” 

My heart breaks for those who are experiencing the ravaging forces of a storm today but have not responded to the hospitality and warmth of our loving God. I can’t imagine any safer or more peaceful place in which to endure a storm than in the ark of His presence. 

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I have often thought that come must be one of God’s favorite words—especially when talking with His dear children. He is always in pursuit of us, asking us to come to Him and enjoy His friendship. Noah was not the first person, nor was he the last, whom God has invited to “come” into friendship with Him.  

God invited Moses to come up on the mountain so he could hear God’s voice and experience His presence:  

At that time the Lordsaid to me, “Cut out for yourself two tablets of stone like the former ones, and comeup to Me on the mountain, and make an ark of wood for yourself.” (Deuteronomy 10:1) 

God invited the Israelites to seek Him, and the invitation still stands today: 

            But you shall seek the Lord at the place which the Lord your God will choose from all your tribes, to establish His name there for His dwelling, and there you shall come(Deuteronomy 12:5) 

In the Psalms, time after time, through His servants, God invites His people to come:

            Come, you children, listen to me; I will teach you the fear of the Lord. (Psalm 34:11) 

            Come and see the works of God, who is awesome in His deeds toward the sons of men. (Psalm 66:5) 

            Come and hear, all who fear God, and I will tell of what He has done for my soul. (Psalm 66:16) 

            Come, let us worship and bow down, let us kneel before the Lord our Maker. (Psalm 95:6)

Jesus Himself gave the invitation, to anyone who would listen, to simply come: 

            Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest. (Matthew 11:28)

The call to come to Jesus includes the invitation to speak with Him and to be changed:

            “Come now, and let us reason together,” says the Lord, “though your sins are as scarlet, they will be as white as snow; though they are red like crimson, they will be like wool.” (Isaiah 1:18) 

In the final chapter of the Bible, the Spirit and Jesus are still asking those created in the image of God to come to Him:

            The Spirit and the bride say, “Come.” And let the one who hears say, “Come.”And let the one who is thirsty come; let the one who wishes take the water of life without cost. (Revelation 22:17) 

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This is an invitation to which you must respond—you must not ignore the summons of God.  

In my life, I have found that this is an offer that deserves multiple acknowledgements in many situations.  

Yes, I have accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior, and that is where it all begins. However, I must also accept His invitation into the ark of His presence during the stormiest days of my life. I can remain outside that presence and subject myself to the elements of worry, fear, anxiety, and even anger. Or, I can accept His invitation and experience the umbrella of His protection. 

I have been deeply impacted theologically by the hymns that were introduced to me from the time I was a little girl, sitting on wooden church pews, swinging my lively feet, which were bedecked with white ruffled socks and black patent leather shoes. Often, when the winds of circumstances are blowing around me and the torrential downpour of difficult people is impeding my progress in life, I will sing to myself. No one hears the melody of my song except for Jesus and me.  

In such moments, I am responding to His “Come.” In those quiet times, far away from stress and anxiety, I sing songs like this: 

Softly and tenderly Jesus is calling,

Calling for you and for me;

See, on the portals He’s waiting and watching,

Watching for you and for me. 

Come home, come home,

Ye who are weary, come home;

Earnestly, tenderly, Jesus is calling,

Calling, “O sinner, come home!” 

O for the wonderful love He has promised,

Promised for you and for me!

Though we have sinned, He has mercy and pardon,

Pardon for you and for me. 

Come home, come home,

Ye who are weary, come home;

Earnestly, tenderly, Jesus is calling,

Calling, “O sinner, come home!”

Thanks for listening to my heart this week.  As you know by now, my heart is truly not a perfect heart but it is a heart that is filled to overflowing with gratitude for the life I have been given and for the people who walk with me.  And, it continues to be a heart that is relentlessly chasing after God and all that He is!  

            ***** If you’d like to pre-order a copy of my new book, “StormProof” and read the rest of Noah’s story, you can do so at, or at my website, Or, you can go to your local Christian bookstore and request that they order a copy for you!



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