Divorce Fantasy or The Little Red Couch


The decision to divorce usually happens over a period of time ... several years in my case. Often, fantasy is involved in forming that decision, since it's impossible to predict what a post-divorce life might entail. 
     Since I'd been an interior designer, I often fantasized what the interior of my new home would look like. Time and time again, the image of a red chenille couch came into my head. I imagined cuddling up into its warm embrace, escaping for a time the challenges of forging a new way of being in the world.
     Since my husband and I had recently moved and I had no job, I had to be resourceful in finding ways of squirreling away money for that couch. Birthday money. Damage compensation money from the move.  Etc.
     When the divorce finally became a reality however, my husband revealed he'd discovered the money and spent it. Nevertheless, here sits that couch in my current living room today. 

Linda M. Kurth is a writer and a divorced and remarried Christian. In going through the divorce, she experienced a dichotomy of responses from the Christian community. After sharing some of those experiences in her upcoming memoir, God, the Devil, and Divorce, she's heard many stories of divorced Christians who have struggled with the same issue. This blog invites divorced Christians to tell their stories with the goal of encouraging churches to resist condemnation and become a source of healing and grace.

Do you have a divorce experience to share? Have you been shamed by a church because of your divorce? There are hurting people who need to hear your story, who need to know they are not alone, and who need to be encouraged. If you are interested in sharing your story, email Linda for guidelines: Linda@LindaMKurth.com

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