I’ve Got Tears in My Ears (and Other Funny Titles)

I've got tears in my ears, funny country song titles

A couple of years ago I published a pair of posts on misheard song lyrics.  I’m not sure I have laughed that hard since.  So when I saw this obscure “holiday”, I decided some more laughs were in order.  Especially since my Papa often serenaded his daughters with a couple of doozies, the first of which was “I’ve Got Tears in My Ears”! The memories of my silly singing Papa brought me joy.  And you know I’m all about that!

So for your reading pleasure (and maybe listening if you choose to go down that rabbit hole),  I present my choices for:

Quirkiest Country Music Songs

  1. I’VE GOT TEARS IN MY EARS (FROM LYIN’ ON MY BACK IN MY BED WHILE I CRY OVER YOU) sung by Homer and Jethro.  The first two spots in my list have to go to the ones my Papa sang.
  2. (YOU DUN STOMPED) MY HEART  by John Denver.  How can you not laugh with lyrics like, “You dun stomped on my heart and you mashed that sucker flat. You just sorta stomped on my aorta”?
  3. FLUSHED FROM THE BATHROOM OF YOUR HEART by Johnny Cash.  Was there a push to bring some levity to break-up songs?
  4. IF I DON’T LOVE YOU (GRITS AIN’T GROCERIES) by George Jones.  I guess he loves her!
  5. YOU CAN’T ROLLER SKATE IN A BUFFALO HERD by Roger Miller.  Do yourself a favor and click the link to hear the song and read the list of other things you can’t do!
  6. PROP ME UP BESIDE THE JUKEBOX (IF I DIE) by Joe Diffie.  He doesn’t even want to leave the honky tonk after he’s dead!
  7. I’M GONNA HIRE A WINO TO DECORATE OUR HOME by David Frizzell.  It’s not a break-up song, but it’s still a humorous spin on a sad situation.
  9. I KEEP FORGETTIN’ THAT I FORGOT ABOUT YOU by Wynn Stewart.  Sounds like my memory these days!
  10. MAY THE BIRD OF PARADISE (FLY UP YOUR NOSE) by “Little” Jimmy Dickens.  If you don’t know this song then you don’t know how to creatively curse someone.
  11. THE MISSISSIPPI SQUIRREL REVIVAL by Ray Stevens.  All you need to know is that this squirrel went berserk!
  12. ME NEITHER by Brad Paisley.  Mr. Paisley has written and sung many funny songs.  But this older one is my favorite.  The title itself may not be that funny, but this picture of a rejected guy and his dignity makes me giggle every time.

Your Turn

Well, that’s my list!  Do you have a favorite silly song? One that’s sillier than “I’ve Got Tears in My Ears”?  If so, let us know in the comments and we can keep the laughs going.

And now for this week’s featured post from the link up.

Even though I practice the discipline of biblical fasting, I learned a lot from Donna’s Nurture Humility Through Alternative Fasting Tips.  I pray you do as well!

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