Terror of financial dependence - Divorce Minister
One way a nasty Cheater takes out their covert anger on a faithful spouse is to use their financial power over them. When the Cheater is the primary breadwinner, a new terror enters the equation with infidelity discovery:
What will I do to meet my needs if they abandon me?!
This amps up the stress of the situation with faithful spouses. I know this can be one of the biggest barriers to freeing oneself from a Cheater.
To all those who rag on faithful spouses that are dependent on their cheater, I say that the marriage vows indicate dependence in a marriage is expected.
What isn’t expected per those vows is infidelity.
I wish I had a magic wand for those faithful spouses dealing with this special terror. That said, I can tell you that I “see” you, and I will leave you with this encouragement: