The Triune God is our Entrance into New Jerusalem

New JerusalemWe will cover the six aspects of the application of the New Jerusalem to the believers [in chapters 39-44 of this book*]. The first application is the triune entry. We are using entry in the denotation of entering in, not in the denotation of an entrance or a door. The entering into the New Jerusalem is triune because it is an entry through the Divine Trinity—through the Son, with the Father, and by the Spirit.*

New Jerusalem has three gates on each of its four sides (Rev. 21:12-13). The number three signifies the Triune God and four the creatures. These twelve gates represent the eternal perfection of the Triune God as the entrance for man into New Jerusalem.

The city is constructed with the Triune God infused into His people. The only way to participate in this, to enter into this, is the Triune God Himself. Thank Him that He has opened the way for us to enter. More on this entrance from earlier chapters in this book*:
Three Parables Portray the Three Gates on Each Side of New Jerusalem
Three Parables Portray the Three Gates on Each Side of New Jerusalem (2)
Three Parables Portray the Triune God as our Entrance into New Jerusalem
The Triune God is our Entrance
Angels Rejoice as We Enter New Jerusalem

* From chapter 39, Witness LeeGod’s New Testament Economy, published by Living Stream Ministry, © Witness Lee, 1986.

Posted by Don on July 7, 2023


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