What is a Divine Appointment? - Growing Through God's Word

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What is a Divine Appointment?

by Janis Cox


Some people call them coincidences. I call them God-incidences.  And some of those I call divine appointments.

From The Message: 2 Timothy 4:1-2

God is looking over your shoulder. Christ himself is the Judge, with the final say on everyone, living and dead. He is about to break into the open with his rule, so proclaim the Message with intensity; keep on your watch. Challenge, warn, and urge your people. Don’t ever quit. Just keep it simple.

If you look back in your life you will find them. Here are a few of my personal examples:

1. After the death of my Dad in 1993, we took my Mom on a preplanned holiday to Disney World. On the way down the highway we were caught in the “storm of the century”, caught between the 2 tunnels on Interstate 77. We ended up staying at the Church of God for two days in Bastian, Virginia. My Mom had the opportunity to have a long chat with the Pastor of the church and I believe that might have been the beginning of a revival of her faith in Jesus.

2. In the mid 90s I joined a curling club and met a woman I will name D. In one conversation she invited me to her church. I went. Besides feeling the whoosh of God upon entering through the doors it was in this church that I rekindled my faith in Jesus and accepted Him as Saviour in 2001. I found out later that D. and her friends had been praying for me in their Bible study.

3. A few weeks ago I headed back to Canada to help with my sick grandson. There were three divine appointments on that trip. In each case I felt the Holy Spirit prompt me to give my testimony and express my confidence and love of Jesus. I now pray for those three people every day.

Look back in your life – years ago, last week, yesterday.
Can you see God’s appointments?

Today I pray for those divine appointments. And I wait for the Holy Spirit to prompt me for an opening to speak His Word of Truth.


Lord, we know that You make those divine appointments. Help us to see them and be bold when they happen. Help us to watch and listen to the Holy Spirit and be ready to speak Your Truth. In Jesus’ name I pray. AMEN.


Look back in your life. Can you see God’s divine appointments? (tweet this)

Janis Cox

Janis Cox - Author and Illustrator

Janis, a former school teacher and small business owner, found a new passion in writing in her retirement. A writer since 2003, Janis co-ordinates a group blog called Under the Cover of Prayer. She is also a contributor to a group blog called Family and Faith Matters.

Janis is the author of the award winning children’s book, Tadeo Turtle, published by Word Alive Press. She is the author and watercolour illustrator. For more information visit Janis on her website He Cares for You. She is a member of The Word Guild andInscribe Writers Fellowship.

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