I see depression, tiredness, lack of motivation and concentration, brain fog, and overall physical infirmity increasing among many due to the buildup of stress. This is not only affecting us collectively as a nation due to the ongoing spiritual and natural warfare in recent months, but individually as many are feeling the strain on a personal level.

Ever since the 2020 election, we as a people have been undergoing unexpected and dramatic changes to our routines – little by little – month by month. The upheaval in the nation has hit everyone at some level. Whether it’s been financial, medical, political, or otherwise, everyone has been impacted by the breakdown of what was once considered normal. This ongoing pressure has been slow and steady without any seeming break. And many are now experiencing the mental, emotional, and physical consequence of the spiritual battles at hand. And the Lord is calling out the source of our ailments.

Battle fatigue: “A common response to the mental and emotional strain that can result from dangerous and traumatic experiences…a natural reaction to the wear and tear of the body and mind after extended and demanding operations.” (From

When I heard this term while in prayer the other day, I knew the Lord wanted us to recognize this condition. Why? Because we’re in a time of war. Not only a spiritual war, but a war that is technological, psychological, and pathological. A war of the mind and soul with the enemies of God targeting our psyches and senses in hopes of immobilizing our hope and faith. It has been a war long-planned and intended for the long play. Aiming to take down those who fear God and value the sacred, this warfare has been doing great damage. But by recognizing the source and its purpose, the Lord is instructing us in how to deal with it and overcome it. Not only personally, but collectively.

Not only is battle fatigue the result of enduring extended times of warfare, it also feeds on disappointments and unmet expectations. When going through long seasons without any seeming breakthrough, one begins to lose hope and any sense of purpose. The Lord showed me that many are under a spirit of depression due to this kind of battle fatigue. Unanswered prayers and unfulfilled promises are wearing down even the most diligent warriors. Using all their reserves to simply get through another day, many have become spiritually and mentally numb, void of any inspiration or drive. Some have even been made sick. And this is exactly what the enemy has wanted.


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