Do You Deserve to Wear Shorts? What to Do When You Feel Like You Should Hide Your Legs

Do you deserve to wear shorts? What do you do when you feel like your legs should only be hidden?

Today’s summer replay was inspired by Mindy Pickens’ brilliant post from a few years ago, “Do You Deserve to Wear Shorts?”.  In today’s show, Heather Creekmore talks through this hot summer topic unpacking the question: What makes one “worthy” to wear shorts? Heather digs into why we get stuck believing that our legs must stay hidden inside jeans and leggings, even when the temperature soars. If you’ve ever worn pants to the beach or pool … or if you’ve ever declined an invitation to an event because shorts would be expected– this show’s for you! Here are some things to check out if you like what you hear.

Nick Vujicic ministries

Staff Sergeant. Johnny Joey Jones leg’s meme.

Today’s show is sponsored by Classical Conversations. To learn more about this great homeschooling program, visit:

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