Modern miracles: Do they still exist today
Have you ever thought about the miracles narrated in the Bible? Those moments of divine intervention that seemed to transcend the laws of nature?
Recall the parting of the Red Sea, the healing touch of Jesus, and the loaves and fishes multiplying miraculously.
Such stories have echoed through centuries, leaving us in awe of the extraordinary events they describe.
Going back to the present day where science and reason prevail, where do miracles fit in? Do you find yourself wondering if such extraordinary occurrences still happen in our modern age?
In this article, we will answer your question of whether modern miracles exist. This way, you will have validation for your extraordinary experiences or acquire a broader perspective on the mysteries of life.
Old Testament miracles
Since the Old Testament, there have been various miracles performed by God Himself or through several leaders. Here are some of them.
Parting of the Red Sea
In the book of Exodus, the story of the parting of the Red Sea recounts how Moses, under God's guidance, led the Israelites out of Egypt and towards the Promised Land.
When they were trapped between the Red Sea and the pursuing Egyptian army, God miraculously parted the waters. This allowed the Israelites to cross on dry ground.
As they safely crossed, the waters returned, drowning the pursuing Egyptians.
Rainbow after the Great Flood
The Great Flood is described in the Book of Genesis as a catastrophic event. At this time, God decided to cleanse the Earth due to its widespread corruption and wickedness.
God instructed Noah to construct an ark, ensuring the preservation of his family as well as two representatives of every animal species.
Once the ark was completed, rain fell for forty days and forty nights. It flooded the Earth and covered the highest mountains.
After the waters receded, Noah and his family, along with the animals, emerged from the ark to repopulate the Earth.
As a sign of promise that the great flood wouldn’t happen again, God would make a rainbow every after the rain.
Sun stood still
In the Book of Joshua, during a battle against the Amorite kings, Joshua prayed for the sun to stand still in the sky. This is so that the Israelites could defeat their enemies.
God answered his prayer, causing the sun and the moon to halt their motion for about a full day, extending the daylight hours and giving the Israelites victory in battle.
New Testament miracles
While miracles in the Old Testament were mostly performed by God Himself or through leaders like Moses, miracles in the New Testament were mostly performed by Jesus and his apostles.
Here are some of the greatest miracles Jesus has performed.
Lazarus’s resurrection
In the Gospel of John, Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead.
Lazarus was a close friend of Jesus and had been dead for four days when Jesus arrived at his tomb.
Despite objections from those present, Jesus commanded Lazarus to come forth.
Miraculously, Lazarus emerged alive from the tomb, wrapped in burial cloths. This miracle demonstrated Jesus's power over death and foreshadowed his resurrection.
Healing of the paralytic
In the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke, Jesus healed a paralyzed man who was brought to him by being lowered through the roof of a house.
Jesus forgave the man's sins. Then, to prove his authority, told the man to take up his bed and walk. The man was immediately healed and walked away, showing both physical and spiritual healing.
Feeding of the multitude
In all four Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John), Jesus miraculously fed a large crowd of people with a few loaves of bread and fish.
It was recorded twice, where Jesus multiplied the small amount of food. This is to provide enough to feed thousands of people.
The feeding of the multitude showcases Jesus's compassion, provision, and ability to meet the needs of his followers.
Calming the storm
Again, in the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke, Jesus calmed a raging storm while he and his disciples were in a boat on the Sea of Galilee.
The disciples were afraid for their lives as the boat was tossed by the storm.
Jesus, however, rebuked the wind and the waves, and there was an immediate calm. This miracle demonstrated Jesus's authority over nature and his ability to bring peace and calm even amid chaos.
Casting demons
Throughout the Gospels, Jesus performed numerous instances of casting out demons from those who were possessed or oppressed.
In these accounts, Jesus's authority and power over evil spirits were evident as he commanded them to leave individuals. These miracles highlighted Jesus's role as a deliverer and his victory over the forces of darkness.
Definition of modern miracles
Based on these miracles in the Old and New Testaments, you might be wondering, “What exactly characterizes a miracle?” to help define what it is in the modern age.
In the Scriptures, miracles are often termed "signs and wonders."
A "sign" is a physical occurrence that points beyond itself, unveiling something greater. For instance, the healing acts performed by Jesus affirm his identity as the Son of God and the Savior of humanity (Acts 2:22).
Importantly, a miracle never stands alone; it always serves a larger purpose. You identify a miracle when a supernatural act by God deepens your faith in Jesus Christ as the Savior.
The term "wonder" also aids in recognizing a miracle.
Miracles leave us awestruck, marveling at the might of God. Witnessing a supernatural work leaves us speechless, as we are captivated by the magnificence of God.
Do modern miracles exist
Healing and other miracles still exist within the Church today. But they may not always be grandiose or openly discussed due to their sacred nature.
For instance, witnessing someone recover unexpectedly and swiftly from a serious illness or injury, defying medical expectations, can be a modern miracle.
Doctors might be unable to explain the rapid improvement. Moreover, it can serve as a testimony to the power of resilience and hope.
Observing a person's life transform positively, and overcoming destructive habits or attitudes, can also be seen as a modern miracle.
The inner transformation and renewed purpose can be attributed to factors beyond mere coincidence.
Similarly, experiencing unexpected financial help or resources when facing financial challenges can be a modern miracle.
Whether it is finding a source of income, receiving unexpected assistance, or having needs met in unforeseen ways, these instances can't always be explained solely by human efforts.
Modern miracles should not be our basis
Miracles indeed continue to happen in our world today. But it's important to remember that these instances shouldn't become the foundation of your faith.
While these occurrences are powerful and awe-inspiring, they are not the central tenet of Christianity.
Rather, the heart of your faith should reside in the foundational truths of Jesus's incarnation, teachings, crucifixion, and resurrection.
These events have the greatest significance in God's redemptive plan and in revealing His character to humanity.
Bringing miracles
Modern miracles exist today as you can bring a touch of miraculous change to the lives of those around you.
While you may not be able to perform extraordinary miracles, you possess the ability to offer a listening ear, a helping hand, or a heartfelt word of encouragement.
Such seemingly simple actions can provide immense comfort, hope, and inspiration to someone who may be struggling, just as Jesus's love and compassion did during His time on earth.
Remember, the impact you have on others doesn't need to be spectacular to make a meaningful difference.
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