Mothers in Bible: Women of influence

The role of motherhood is one of the most essential and influential positions in society for centuries. Throughout history, women have been tasked with nurturing and shaping the next generation.

They pass down traditions and values and provide guidance and support to their children. For instance, mothers in the Bible played a crucial role in the lives of their children.

They also played a part in the larger narrative of God’s plan for His people. From Sarah to Mary and from Hannah to Jochebed, these women of influence set an example of love, faith, and sacrifice for generations to come.

Despite the cultural differences and historical context, the stories of these mothers in the Bible still resonate with those of today. They faced challenges and obstacles that many mothers can relate to. This includes infertility, loss, and persecution.

Through their unwavering faith and trust in God, they were able to overcome these difficulties.

Moreover, they were able to make a lasting impact on their children’s lives and the world around them.

This article explores the stories of several celebrity mothers in the Bible and how their lives serve as an example to mothers today.

A sculpture of Jesus being held by his mother, Mary, one of the mothers in the Bible.
A sculpture of Jesus being held by his mother, Mary. (Photo by Noel Raffoux from Pexels)

Mary, Mother of Christ

Anyone who has studied the Bible is familiar with Mary, the mother of Christ.

She is in various religions and cultures worldwide. However, what does the Bible specifically state about her?

The Bible provides little information about Mary. This is besides her appearance in the birth narratives of the Gospels of Matthew and Luke and the Acts of the Apostles.

The Bible does not mention her parentage and youth. Moreover, the texts of the evangelists are not reliable biographical sources.

Religious writings outside of the Bible, such as the Apocrypha, provide more detail about Mary’s life. But they are not historical accounts. Rather, they are personal interpretations of events.

There are at least three things to note about Mary.

First, her response to the angel’s announcement shows her remarkable trust. She accepted her God’s plan despite knowing that she would be an outcast and questioned by others.

Second, Mary believed that her son was capable of the miraculous. But even she was not a perfect parent.

In the Gospel of Mark, there is an account of Jesus’ relatives approaching him because they believed he was mentally unstable. This demonstrates that even the most well-intentioned people can make mistakes.

Note that God offers forgiveness for our errors if we acknowledge and confess them.

Third, he was there with Jesus on his worst day and suffered with him.

However, Mary continued to follow Jesus’ teachings and footsteps after his death, not letting her hopes and dreams die.

With this, she serves as an example to mothers to put their trust in God and His plans for their children, even in times of crisis. Believe that all things will ultimately come together for a positive outcome.

Sarah, Mother of Isaac

Sarah, originally named Sarai, was unable to have children. Abraham and Sarah received a promise from God that they would be blessed with a child.

However, Sarah had been unable to conceive a child for many years. And so, she convinced Abraham to have a child with her handmaid to have an heir. As a result, Ishmael was born.

God repeated his promise to Abraham that his wife would bear a son.

Even though Sarah was very old, she did conceive and deliver a son named Isaac.

From Isaac would come Jacob and the 12 tribes of Israel. And from the tribe of Judah would come David and Jesus of Nazareth.

Sarah’s commitment and devotion to Abraham resulted in her becoming the matriarch of the nation of Israel.

Moreover, she is recognized in the Hebrews 11 “Faith Hall of Fame.”

Despite her struggles with faith and doubts about God’s promises, she obeyed her husband and waited patiently to have a child.

Accordingly, Sarah’s life teaches mothers to trust in God’s plan. Wait for His solutions rather than taking matters into your own hands.

Rebekah, Mother of Esau and Jacob

Rebekah was married to Isaac and gave birth to two sons, Jacob and Esau. She was chosen by Abraham’s servant, who prayed that the woman who gave him water would be Isaac’s wife.

After many years of marriage, Rebekah became pregnant with Esau and Jacob.

Esau was the firstborn and Isaac’s favorite. But Rebekah favored Jacob.

Jacob tricked Esau into selling his birthright. Later, with Rebekah’s help, he deceived Isaac into blessing him instead of Esau by using goatskins to imitate Esau’s hairy arms.

Rebekah’s story teaches us a valuable lesson about favoritism in families, which is considered a sin according to the Book of James.

Moreover, Rebekah made mistakes by taking matters into her own hands.

Based on Sarah’s story, this never works out well. Despite this, God still used Rebekah to fulfill His purpose.

It reminds mothers that even when they fail, God’s plan for their lives cannot be hindered by their shortcomings. With this, take comfort that God is all-powerful and all-knowing.

Jochebed, Mother of Moses

Back in the day, Pharaoh had ordered all Hebrew baby boys to be drowned in the Nile River.

It was during that time when Jochebed and Amram had a son. But with the decree, they hid him for three months.

Eventually, they knew they could no longer keep him safe. So, they made a basket and placed the baby in it. Afterward, they put it among the reeds, where the royalty often visits and bathes.

The daughter of the king found the basket and the crying baby boy inside.

Jochebed’s story is a reminder of the power of a mother’s love and faith in God.

Despite the danger she faced, she acted courageously to save her son’s life. She had faith that God would take care of the details.

Jochebed’s faith in God enabled her to see beyond the present circumstances and believe in His plan for her son’s life.

Today, mothers face the challenges of raising their children in a complex world. Still, Jochebed’s example inspires mothers to trust in God and to act in faith.

Hannah, Mother of Samuel

Hannah was childless and prayed fervently to the Lord for a long time.

In spite of her persistence, God remained silent. Moreover, her husband’s other wife mocked her for her barrenness.

Eventually, the Lord granted Hannah’s prayer. She gave birth to a son named Samuel, whom she dedicated to serving the Lord in the temple.

After Samuel, God blessed Hannah with five more children. Meanwhile, Samuel became a renowned prophet.

Hannah’s story is a powerful example of a mother’s trust and surrender to God.

She prayed boldly for a son. But once she received her blessing, she willingly gave her son, Samuel, back to God.

Mothers should follow Hannah’s example and trust God with their children’s lives.

Surrendering their children to God in prayer is the best thing mothers can do for them. This allows God to work wonders in their lives.

The stories of these remarkable mothers in the Bible serve as a reminder of the incredible influence that mothers have on their children and the world around them.

You can see in their stories the importance of faith, courage, and selflessness in raising children who will make a positive impact on the world.

From Jochebed’s determination to protect her child from Pharaoh’s decree to Hannah’s surrender of her son to God’s plan, these mothers exemplify the virtues of motherhood.

With this, honor your mothers but also take inspiration from the examples set by these mothers in the Bible.

Strive to emulate their faith, love, and selflessness in your parenting. Seek to raise children who will make a positive impact on the world.

Moreover, may you recognize and appreciate the tireless work of mothers everywhere.

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I'm a Christian who sees the church as my second home. Not only were my parents the ones who raised me, but our church elders and members also played a significant role. However, despite attending church every Sunday, I still have some questions regarding my faith. As a writer, the articles I create serve as answers to the questions I've had and continue to have, and I hope they can serve a purpose for others who are searching for the same answers.