The Triune God, our Constitution for New Jerusalem

New JerusalemAfter we enter into the Triune God, we experience Him as the triune constitution, the second application [of the New Jerusalem for the believers]. We are now being constituted with the Father’s divine nature, the gold; with the Son’s produce in His redemptive work, the pearl; and with the Spirit’s produce in His transforming work, the precious stones. The New Jerusalem is built with these three basic materials, which are the three basic elements for our spiritual constitution.*

Galatians 1 mentions Christ being revealed in us and Galatians 2 is Christ living is us. This is very good but we need to move on to Galatians 4:19, Christ being formed/constituted in us. These three steps answer the call in Hebrews 6:1, “let us be brought on to maturity.”

Romans 8:29 is the same, presenting God’s intention that we “be conformed to the image of His Son.” And in 2 Corinthians 13:9 Paul and his companions were praying for the Corinthians’ (and our) equipping/perfecting/completing; this too is a matter of our constitution so that our inner being matches the constitution of New Jerusalem.

* From chapter 39, Witness LeeGod’s New Testament Economy, published by Living Stream Ministry, © Witness Lee, 1986.

Posted by Don on July 14, 2023


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