Handle with Care

“…He commanded our ancestors to teach their children, so the next generation would know them, even the children yet to be born, and they in turn would tell their children.”– Psalm 78:5-6

Do you have stories about your family that have been repeated again and again through the generations? You might have a favorite recipe from your great grandmother that has been passed down through the family. We like to honor our heritage and we should handle it with care so we can share what we have learned with future generations. The value of passing down stories is not new. In fact, in Psalm 78:5-6, God specifically commands ancestors to pass down stories about Him. 

Parenting is much like discipling. Regardless of our age or stage in life, we have the opportunity and responsibility to teach children about Jesus. This privilege is not for parents alone.While they may have the most significant responsibility to train their children, it takes a village of dedicated Christ-followers to help children flourish in their God-given potential. 

What then, is the most effective way for believers to teach children about God?

The Three P’s of Parental Discipling:


Pray for the children in your sphere of influence. Better yet, pray with the children God has put in your life. Few things encourage a child more than hearing someone pray on their behalf.


To prepare is to teach or train. Introduce children to Jesus by reading Bible stories. Talk to Him, show them what He is like, and teach them how to pray. Keep it simple. Guide children in prayer by having them fill in the blanks. “Dear God, thank You for ____________. Please help me with ___________. In Jesus’ name, Amen.”  Before long, they will pray without your leading. 


Keep the faith. Be consistent and intentional as you invest in the next generation. Whether we realize it or not, children are watching, hearing, and mimicking everything we say and do, so it is  important to stay in the Word and let God lead us as we lead them. Children love it when we are genuine in our commitment to them. Their child-like faith is precious and contagious. You will not be disappointed as you share God’s love with the children in your life!

Questions for Reflection:

  1. Who are the children in your sphere of influence?
  2. In what ways can you share God’s love with them?

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    Sheila Fitzgerald

    Sheila Preston Fitzgerald is alive today only by the Grace of God. A near-death motorcycle accident that should have taken her life, instead, filled this Godly woman with a passion larger than life itself. Sheila’s love of people, love of life, and most importantly her love for Jesus, radiates in all she does. Her miraculous testimony of redemptive healing, from the inside out, will have you laughing and crying with joy. In spite of multiple horrific losses and countless “one step forward – two steps back” do-overs, Sheila has learned to, literally, walk out her incredible journey of faith and recovery.