How to honor your mother

As Christians, God commands you to honor and love your parents. This commandment is a cultural norm.

It is also a biblical principle that is deeply rooted in faith. Mothers, in particular, hold a special place in each one’s life. They are the ones who carried you in their womb, raised you, and cared for you when you were helpless.

Accordingly, you must recognize and honor your mother for all that they have done.

Christians honoring their mothers means more than just giving them gifts or sending them a card on Mother’s Day.

It involves showing respect, gratitude, and love towards her in your everyday life.

This article practical ways in which you can honor our mothers as a Christian.

From simple gestures like spending quality time with her to actively seeking their advice and wisdom, we will discuss how you can demonstrate your appreciation for the invaluable role your mother played in your life.

A happy family.
A happy family. (Photo by Any Lane from Pexels)

To Honor Your Mother: Biblical Perspective

The Bible provides several verses that highlight the importance of honoring your mother.

Proverbs 1:8-9 emphasizes the importance of heeding your father’s wise advice and keeping your mother’s teachings in your heart. This verse serves as a reminder that both parents have valuable insights that can help guide you toward success.

Moreover, by doing so, you demonstrate your respect for her. You also acknowledge the role they play in shaping your life.

In addition, Proverbs 31:31 reminds you to honor your mother for all the hard work they do.

It recognizes the effort and dedication your mother has put into raising you and managing the household.

You should acknowledge their labor and let her works bring her praise.

Additionally, Psalm 139:13-14 reminds you that God created you fearfully and wonderfully, and that includes being formed in your mother’s womb.

Praise God for your existence, and honor your mother for her role in bringing you into this world.

A mother holding her child.
A mother holding her child. (Photo by Pixabay from Pexels)

Ways to Honor Your Mother

There are many ways to honor your mother, whether it be through simple gestures or more significant actions. Here are a few:

Be Patient

Patience is not always an easy virtue to practice. This is especially when it comes to mothers.

It can be frustrating to repeatedly answer the same questions. The same goes when you need to explain the same concepts over and over again.

However, during these moments, it is essential to remember God’s great patience towards you and the patience your mother needed while raising you.

As a Christian, God commands you to put on compassion, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience towards one another.

Note that Colossians 3:12-13 encourages you to bear with one another and forgive each other. This is just as the Lord has forgiven each one.

When you remember this, you can approach your interactions with your mother with a renewed sense of compassion and patience.

A daughter being patient with her mother.
A daughter seems to be being patient with her mother. (Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels)

Know How to Forgive

Your mother is not perfect. She is bound to make mistakes along the way, sometimes significant ones.

Despite this, one of the best ways you can show honor to your mother is by choosing to forgive her.

It is important to make a determined choice not to hold their mistakes against her. Nor should you retaliate or punish her.

Instead, choose to shower her with the same grace that God so freely gives to each person.

Remember Colossians 3:13 once more.

By choosing to forgive your mother, you demonstrate your love and appreciation toward her. You can experience the freedom and peace that come with forgiveness.

Pray for Her

It is not uncommon for you to disagree with your mother’s decisions or actions. However, it’s important to honor her despite the disagreements.

Do not forget that she’s a human being who is doing her best, even if her decisions are not the best.

Another, take the time to try and understand her perspective and the reasons behind her actions.

You can start by saying a prayer, thanking God for your mother, and asking for understanding and patience as you navigate your relationship.

Spend time to meditate and tailor your prayer to fit your own beliefs and feelings.

A daughter praying for her mother.
A woman praying. (Photo by cottonbro studio from Pexels)

Speak Kindly

As you honor your mother, remember that your words hold immense power.

The scripture in James 3:5 illustrates how something as small as the tongue can cause significant damage, like how a small fire can set a large forest ablaze.

Your words can bring either life or death. And so, you must choose your words about your mother wisely.

Do not use your words to tear her down or speak negatively about her.

Instead, choose to speak life into her.

Remember that every word you say has the potential to either build her up or tear her down, so use your words to honor and encourage her.

Show Her Love

Depending on your situation, showing love to your mother can have varying levels of difficulty.

If you have a mother who frequently fails to keep her promises and constantly lets you down, you can still show her love. This involves being kind when she breaks her promises and communicating to her how much it hurts when she does so.

On the other hand, if your mother is emotionally or physically abusive towards you, it may be harder to figure out how to show love to her.

In such a case, setting and enforcing healthy boundaries can be a loving act.

By standing up for yourself, you may push your mother to confront her behavior. This way, she can seek the help she needs to heal and establish a healthy relationship with you.

It may be a challenging process, but with God’s help, all things are possible.

Point Her to Christ

If your mother is not a follower of Christ, it’s essential to remember that the most meaningful way to show her honor is by sharing the gospel with her.

Sharing the good news of Jesus Christ is not a dishonor or a sign of disrespect. Rather, it is a demonstration of your love for her.

By pointing out her need for Jesus Christ, you reveal the true value of her existence. This is the glory of God.

Remember that you honor God by participating in the Great Commission. So what better way to honor your mother than by sharing with her the hope of salvation that comes through Jesus Christ?

It is easy to focus on temporal things such as her service, commitment, labor, and love for your children. But these things pale in comparison to the eternal value of gospel conversations.

When your mother passes away, you will value your conversations with her about the gospel more than anything else.

So why not make this Mother’s Day count by having meaningful discussions with her about the hope of salvation?

Do not let another opportunity slip away. Choose to make this Mother’s Day one that has eternal significance.

A mother and daughter reading the Bible.
A mother and daughter reading books. (Photo by Karolina Grabowska from Pexels)

To honor your mother is a lifelong commitment. It requires intentional effort and constant practice.

It also means respecting her authority, showing gratitude for her sacrifices, and treating her with kindness and love.

Furthermore, it means forgiving her shortcomings. It is letting go of any resentment or bitterness you may feel toward her.

Remember, your mother is not perfect. Like you, she is doing the best she can. And so, she deserves your unconditional love and respect.

With this, honor your mother. As a result, you not only strengthen your relationship with her but also demonstrate your obedience to God.

May you continue to show honor and love to your mother every day. Moreover, may God bless you and your family abundantly.

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I'm a Christian who sees the church as my second home. Not only were my parents the ones who raised me, but our church elders and members also played a significant role. However, despite attending church every Sunday, I still have some questions regarding my faith. As a writer, the articles I create serve as answers to the questions I've had and continue to have, and I hope they can serve a purpose for others who are searching for the same answers.