The Birth of Significance — Carol McLeod Ministries | Find Joy in Your Everyday Life

Our family has the distinct delight of welcoming two baby girls this year!

I am one happy Marmee!

Haven Elizabeth was born in February and Isla Ruth will be joining us in June.

Aren’t babies just delicious?!

Don’t you just love the smell of a newborn baby … so fresh from heaven?!

There is nothing like a baby to remind the world that there is indeed hope for the future! 

“A baby is God’s opinion that life should go on.” 

– Carl Sandburg

 As you probably know by now, my 13th book will be delivered on April 20, 2021! 

Although I have already endured the process of labor with this particular epistle, the delivery date has been set and we are all waiting with grand anticipation.

As a writer, it takes me about 3-6 months to write a complete book … much less than the 9 months that it takes to grow a baby! 

However, I still have experienced an aching back due to hours sitting on a hard chair at my computer.

My brain has been fuzzy from time to time … my heart has beat rapidly … and I have even experienced nausea wondering if this book will be good enough.

It’s all a part of the glorious, painful, miraculous process of giving birth to a book!

Would you like a sneak peak at the baby?  Would you like to come closer and just take a whiff of the creation of my heart?

As you read the words that have been germinating in my heart for four decades concerning the joy of motherhood, know that God has His hand on your life and just might like to birth something new in you!

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“Motherhood also gives birth to the most tremendous work that you will ever realize this side of eternity. The greatest work you will ever accomplish will be within the walls of your own home. The most expansive work you will ever produce will be among the ordinary people whose hearts belong to you. 

There is no doctoral degree in mothering, but if you can stay the course, you will have earned and will certainly deserve that advanced degree in parenting with the highest of honors! 

There is no Olympic event for living through two-year-old tantrums, but if you can keep your sanity during those days, you will have won a gold medal, flowers, and a pedestal—and if motherhood had a national anthem, it would be played in your honor! 

There is no lifetime achievement award given to women who raise healthy children but believe me, my friend, God notices your labor of love and is giving you a standing ovation! 

Oh, my sister in Christ, all of heaven is roaring in approval of your uncommon life! 

Prominence and success in our culture will never define the woman that Christ has called me to be. However, simply embracing the call to motherhood passionately and enthusiastically has accomplished a dignified significance within my soul. 

Simply embracing the call to motherhood passionately and enthusiastically has accomplished a dignified significance within my soul. 

If I were to become the first woman president of the United States of America, it would pale in comparison to the years that I spent raising the children who were given to me. 

If I were to win the Nobel Peace Prize for an honorable and incomparable exploit, motherhood would still be my finest accomplishment. 

If I were to be recognized with prestigious and recognizable awards for talent on the stage or screen, my greatest talent would still be discovered in rocking babies to sleep, soothing the fears of childhood, and creating wonder in the soul of a child.  

Every tear you have shed is precious to Him and He saves each tear in heaven in the Motherhood Hall of Fame. 

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Every song you choose to sing, when you would rather complain or cry, is a glorious anthem to heaven’s ears! God smiles when you sing in the middle of your days of motherhood. God loves a common mother who breaks into song when the dishes are piled high, when the laundry is piled higher, and when the baby has been up all night teething. 

You, as an ordinary woman, have given birth to God’s answer for the next generation. You, as a participant in the plan of God, have been bequeathed a unique child even if your body did not writhe in the pain of childbirth; your heart has ached with the wretched pain of waiting for God to give you a child in His own generous manner. The hands of the Great Physician, even now, are gently nurturing you in your pain and in your promise. He has met you in the birthing room of your heart.  

“When God wants a great work done in the world or a great wrong righted, He goes about it in a very unusual way. He doesn’t stir up His earthquakes or send forth His thunderbolts. Instead, He has a helpless baby born, perhaps in a simple home and of some obscure mother. And then God puts the idea into the mother’s heart, and she puts it into the baby’s mind. And then God waits. The greatest forces in the world are not the earthquakes and the thunderbolts. The greatest forces in the world are babies.”

—E. T. Sullivan 

If you’d like to pre-order your copy of “The Rooms of a Mother’s Heart” and receive it in time for Mother’s Day, feel free to click here or call 855-569-5433 to order your copies.

Thanks for listening to my heart this week.  As you know by now, my heart is truly not a perfect heart but it is a heart that is filled to overflowing with gratitude for the life I have been given and for the people who walk with me.  And, it continues to be a heart that is relentlessly chasing after God and all that He is!  


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Carol McLeodApril 8, 20214 Comments


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Carol McLeod

Carol McLeod is a best-selling author, popular speaker, and respected podcaster who encourages and empowers women with the power and principles found in God's Word. She mixes passionate and practical biblical messages with her own special brand of hope and humor in order to help them navigate life's challenges with faith and resilience.