We Are Well Able - A Nighttime Prayer

Then Caleb quieted the people before Moses, and said, “Let us go up at once and take possession, for we are well able to overcome it.” -- Numbers 13:30 (NKJV)

Please Pray:

Heavenly Father, thank you that we are well able to conquer the challenges we face as caregivers. Thank you for your wisdom and discernment that allows us to make wise decisions. Correct us when our opinions are contrary to your Word. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


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    Lilka Finley Raphael

    Lilka Finley Raphael has been a licensed pharmacist for over thirty years. Still, she has learned that the most potent prescriptions are not in bottles. Prayer and persistence are far more effective than any medication dispensed. A love for writing, gardening, and photography prompted Lilka to share her experiences and life lessons on her blogs God, autism and me, B Is for Blessed, and God and the Garden. Lilka’s most recent accolades include a Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writers Conference 2024 Selah Award Finalist for the Published Devotion category and recognition at the Asheville Christian Writers Conference as 2024 Sparrow Award winner. Lilka is also a monthly contributor to Edie Melson’s the Write Conversation, a Writer’s Digest top one-hundred website for writers. However, Lilka’s greatest achievements are her two adult sons who have flown the nest. Happily married for thirty-one years, she lives east of Atlanta, Georgia with her husband, Rod. They share their home with two German Shepherds—Holly and Ivy—and one naughty kitty, Moxie. Lilka's musings and photography are available at lilkaraphael.com

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