What Bible books to read if you were new believers

As a new believer, starting a journey of faith can be overwhelming. This is especially when it comes to studying the vast and varied contents of God’s Word.

With 66 books of the Bible, it can be tough to know where to start.

It can be even more daunting to understand what the Bible is trying to teach.

You must find a starting point. This will be your foundation for understanding and fostering a deep relationship with God.

From this, what book of the Bible should you read if you’re new to the faith?

While every book of the Bible is valuable and serves a unique purpose, this article explores what certain books are beneficial for someone who has just come to know Christ and salvation.

A man reading a book of the Bible
A man reading the Bible. (Photo by Jakson Martins from Pexels)

Old Testament books of the Bible

The Old Testament is a collection of books that tells the story of God’s relationship with humanity before the coming of Christ.

It covers the creation of the world, the history of the Israelites, and the prophecies of the coming Messiah.

More than this, it also offers reassurance if you’re a new believer.

Psalms: Bible book with promises

Looking for comfort, inspiration, and hope?

Psalms is a  book of the Bible that is considered a unique and precious treasure.

It is a compilation of poems and songs that have been sung and recited by the Hebrew people for centuries.

The Psalms are raw, honest, and emotionally charged. It expresses the full range of human experiences, from joy and praise to grief and lament.

However, what makes the Psalms so special is that they are not just words on a page.

Rather, they are a window into the hearts and souls of God’s people.

One of the most beautiful aspects of the Psalms is the way they are filled with God’s promises.

From the very beginning, the Psalms point you to the character of God and his faithfulness to His people.

You will see God’s promises of protection, provision, and salvation woven throughout the Psalms. This gives you hope and assurance amid life’s challenges.

When you read the Psalms, you will be reminded that you serve a God who is trustworthy and faithful and who has promised to be with you always.

Proverbs: Bible book filled with advice

Looking for answers to your questions as someone new to the faith?

Proverbs offers practical and insightful advice for daily Christian living.

With 31 chapters, it’s a perfect book for you to read by dedicating a chapter a day for a month.

Through the contrasting themes of wisdom and folly, Proverbs emphasizes the importance of finding wisdom through the fear of the Lord. It also highlights the pitfalls of laziness, sexual sin, pride, and living a life apart from God.

Moreover, Proverbs offers you counsel on a wide range of topics. This includes relationships, finances, and work.

With this, this book of the Bible emphasizes that true wisdom comes from the Lord and offers guidance on how to seek and apply it in your daily life.

New Testament books of Bible

The New Testament primarily focuses on the life, teachings, death, and resurrection of Christ.

It also tackles the establishment and growth of the early Christian church.

For those new to the faith, the New Testament offers a compelling narrative of God’s love for humanity and the ultimate sacrifice made by His Son.

It also provides practical guidance on how to live a life of faith, love, and service to others, as well as a glimpse of the glorious hope you have in Christ’s return.

John: Bible book to know Jesus Christ

Do you want to know more about the Savior?

The Gospel of John is a masterful piece of writing that beautifully conveys Christ’s divine nature and purpose.

Its first chapter is a testament to the author’s writing skills. This is because of its poetic and captivating prose that draws readers into the story.

Through John’s narrative, you can see Christ’s many interactions with people, his miracles, and the parables he shared with his disciples.

The book of John also includes an account of Christ’s death, resurrection, and ascension to heaven. This, in turn, makes it a comprehensive chronicle of Christ’s life.

One of the most striking themes woven throughout the book of John is the contrast between light and dark.

John uses this imagery to illustrate Christ’s role as the bringer of light and the illuminator of truth in a world full of darkness and confusion.

Another highlight of the book is the famous passage in John 3:16, which encapsulates the essence of the gospel message in a few simple words.

The verse speaks of God’s deep love for humanity and the ultimate sacrifice He made by sending His only Son to save people from their sins.

With this, the book of John is a must-read if you’re seeking to understand the life and teachings of Christ.

Mark: Bible book about discipleship

Are you looking for advice on how to let others know about salvation?

The Gospel of Mark is the shortest of the four Gospels in the New Testament. But it is also the one that contains the most action.

It is full of vivid descriptions of Christ’s ministry, miracles, and teachings.

Mark’s writing style is fast paced. Moreover, he often uses words like “immediately” and “at once” to convey the urgency of Christ’s mission.

And so, the book of Mark is notable for its emphasis on Christ’s humanity, portraying him as a man of action who was constantly on the move, healing the sick, and teaching the masses.

One of the book’s focus is the concept of discipleship.

Mark presents Christ as the ultimate model of discipleship. He also encourages his readers to follow in Christ’s footsteps.

Throughout the book, you’ll see Christ calling his disciples to follow him. Moreover, you’ll see the various challenges and trials that they face as they try to live out their faith.

That said, Mark’s Gospel emphasizes the importance of commitment, perseverance, and self-sacrifice in your life as a disciple.

It challenges you to take up your cross and follow Christ, even when the path is difficult or uncertain.

What Bible translation should you read

Although these books of the Bible can provide you with new insights as a new believer, it can be hard to read if the translation is too difficult.

Here are some that you could try out.

NLT Bible

The New Living Translation (NLT) is a good choice if you’re looking for a version of the Bible that is easy to read and understand.

Unlike a word-for-word translation, the NLT is a thought-for-thought translation. This strikes a balance between being literal and easy to comprehend.

Accordingly, it makes the NLT a great choice if you’re new to reading the Bible or want to use it for daily devotionals.

ESV Bible

If you wanted a version of the Bible that is more suited for in-depth Bible study, the English Standard Version (ESV) may be a better option.

The ESV has a higher reading level than the NLT. This is because it aims for an 8th-10th-grade level.

Moreover, it has a focus on a word-for-word translation approach while still being readable. This means that it provides a more precise translation of the original text.

So, this explains why it is a good choice if you’re looking to study the Bible more in-depth or want to understand the nuances of the original text.

Start your Bible reading

If you were new to the faith and wondering where to start reading the Bible, there are many great options to choose from.

No matter where you choose to start reading the Bible, the most important thing is to approach it with an open heart and mind. Use it to seek to know and grow closer to God.

This way, with time and consistency, reading and studying the Bible can become a rich and rewarding part of your spiritual journey.


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I'm a Christian who sees the church as my second home. Not only were my parents the ones who raised me, but our church elders and members also played a significant role. However, despite attending church every Sunday, I still have some questions regarding my faith. As a writer, the articles I create serve as answers to the questions I've had and continue to have, and I hope they can serve a purpose for others who are searching for the same answers.

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