The Key to Doing More: Slow Down
I have been accused of being a workaholic. I’m not. Far from it. But I do lead a busy and full life: My full-time role is leading an incredible team to create Bible studies. I teach a class. I prea…
I have been accused of being a workaholic. I’m not. Far from it. But I do lead a busy and full life: My full-time role is leading an incredible team to create Bible studies. I teach a class. I prea…
Either way, I failed in finding the rest that heals and am left with overwhelm at the work still remaining in my healing journey.
As those created in the image of God, the God who created and then rested, we rest and we remember. Taking a Sabbath rest is a trust issue.
What do Christians mean when we say Jesus is Lord?The idea of a “lord” is foreign to the modern American. The closest we get to the concept is by watching Downton Abbey or other British period shows. An ancient person had a more intimate acquaintance with this term and its implications. “Whatever the Lord pleases, he does, in heaven and on earth, in the seas and all deeps” (Psalm 135:6). What the psalmist claims specifically for the Lord of Heaven is true in the general case for any lord. He do
Written for the Story Teller Farm blog The Table of Connection A season of sabbath led to the unexpected gift of finding myself as a member of a beautiful confessional community. A confessional com…
THE CHARACTER OF GOD: God wants to be worshipped on Sabbath By Babatope Babalobi babalobi@yahoo.com +234 80 35 897435 Save the World Christian ministry App: Join WhatsApp Prayer Group: Exodus 1…
Exodus 31:15 However, in today’s world, not many people know what the Sabbath is or why we should take a day to rest, even though God says it is so important that the person who works on the Sabbath is put to death! She is the author of “Niksen: Embracing the Dutch Art of Doing Nothing.” She had just moved there and saw that the Dutch are consistently ranked among the world’s happiest people. She is the author of Sacred Rest: Recover Your Life, Renew Your Energy, Restore Your Sanity, and Come Empty: Pour Out Life’s Hurts, and Receive God’s Healing Love.
One of the issues that causes controversy between Jesus and the Pharisees over and over again is their different understanding of the Sabbath. The passage is the first time this issue comes up in the gospel of Mark. One Sabbath, the disciples were hungry. So, as they walked, they picked some heads of grain. They were chewing on them to kill their hunger. The Pharisees had all kinds of human rules about what you weren’t allowed to do on the Sabbath day, and they were always looking to point out anything that Jesus or his disciples did wrong. So, they asked Jesus why was it that his disciples were breaking the law on the Sabbath. When Jesus responded, he didn’t say that the Sabbath didn’t matter.
By Elizabeth Prata I always thought the Sunday nap was because I was tired. During quarantine 4 years ago, I began to think otherwise. And on the seventh day God finished his work that he had done,…
Imagine yourself in this situation. You have been offered a new job or currently hold a position that requires you to work on Sundays. As a devout Christian, you may feel a deep sense of conflict. This is because Sunday holds a special place in your religious observance. It is...
The Sabbath Was Made for Man, Not Man for Sabbath
I’ve been pretty quiet the last two months, primarily because I’ve been on a 10-week sabbatical from my role as Creative Arts Pastor at my home church, Oak Hills in Folsom. It’s b…
Making space for rest is beginning in your worthiness. Make this brave decision for you. And for us. We want a less cranky you.
When our life gets clogged up with junk, we need to pull aside for a time of regeneration. We need the Lord to make us pure again.
Beware of religion By Babatope Babalobi babalobi@yahoo.com +234 80 35 897435 Save the World Christian ministry App: Colossians 2 vs 16 Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, …
When was Jesus crucified? Evidence pointing to the year 31 AD Dr. Kevin P. Woodbridge, University of Hull, UK E-mail: kevinpaulwoodbridge@gmail.com Share good news – Share this and any page freel…
God has given us all the same amount of time each week. He has also given us all the same gift. Sabbath rest.
I’ve previously written about the importance of the Sabbath (Shabbat) and how to observe it. We light candles and say blessings to set the Sabbath apart from all other days. In addition…
I can guess what you’re thinking. “She’s a pastor’s wife, so she’s going to write about why we should go to church on Sunday.” But I’m not. I’ve been…
Biblical Feast Days from The Life of Jesus History’s Great Love Story The Life of Jesus – PDF The full Feast Days overview is in the PDF Appendix A Brief Overview Share good news – Share this and…