Bread- physical food AND spiritual nourishment
By Elizabeth Prata Photo by Rodolfo Marques on Unsplash I’m Italian-Irish/English. But we spent more time with the Italian side of the family. My father was thoroughly Italian. That meant he …
By Elizabeth Prata Photo by Rodolfo Marques on Unsplash I’m Italian-Irish/English. But we spent more time with the Italian side of the family. My father was thoroughly Italian. That meant he …
I believe we need to be asking more questions before presuming we need more prayer. We need to make sure we have assessed our true condition before applying the particular treatment that God has in mind. Certainly the blood of Jesus is powerful and complete. But there is a part we also play in our long-term health.
From the Pharisees who opposed Him to the crowds who celebrated His teaching—countless individuals encountered Him and then continued on in their former way of life. The same can happen to us. When January began, I couldn’t shake the thought: I don’t want to miss Jesus this year. So Much More Last week, when Dannah Gresh spoke to the Revive Our Hearts team during a staff chapel service, I stopped taking notes and just started texting quotes from her message directly to friends. Grab your Bible, notebook, and pen and turn to Mark 8 as Dannah shares three ways that we can learn to see Jesus more clearly and three ways to cure spiritual blindness. Before you press play on the video, I’d encourage you to jot down your own prayer at the top of the page: Lord, help me to see Jesus. In the video, Dannah mentioned that our staff is journeying together through Nancy’s new book, Incomparable: 50 Days with Jesus.
Did you know that spiritual life can enhance your well-being and overall health? Here Are The Health Benefits of a Spiritual Life.
Did you know that spiritual life can enhance your well-being and overall health? Here Are The Health Benefits of a Spiritual Life.
Deliverance from Satanic Watchman By Babatope Babalobi babalobi@yahoo.com +234 80 35 897435 Save the World Christian ministry App: Join WhatsApp Prayer Group: Matthew 27 vs 66 So they went…
. It’s as if we are in junior high again but of the older adult variety. We aren’t old, but we aren’t young either. Our bodies go haywire when adjusting between childbearing years and becoming “elderly.” What do we do now? Thriving in midlife boils down to attitude, lifestyle changes, and looking forward to what God has in store for you.#
Heather interviews Tracy Brown about the medical complications of disordered eating and eating disorders that follow seasons of dieting and restrictive eating.
Renewing our minds involves resolving to do so. Renewing your resolve to think like Jesus is not just a resolution of the flesh but of the Spirit.
Today’s episode is a compassionate letter to Gwyneth Paltrow in response to the wellness plan–her daily diet–that she shared in a video on Instagram.
Check out the So We Speak podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify. For more information visit https://laineygreer.com Her podcast: Forsaken Body What does it look like to have a theology of the body? Where do we start thinking about how God views our bodies? The phrase “theology of the body” describes how our physical bodies are discussed throughout Scripture and drawing conclusions based on observations from Scripture. All of Scripture addresses the body, whether that is Creation, Providence, t…
What do you do when you feel fat? Of course, most know by now that “fat” isn’t really a feeling. Yet, how many of us say it? It’s what w …
Imagine yourself as an athlete training with your coach on a field.You’re a runner who has won multiple awards, yet your coach doesn’t relent in training you like you have won nothing.Y…
Today we’re going to talk about what to do if there’s a part of your body that you hate–that you want to change or maybe even are obsessing over changing. I …
Monitoring spirit be blinded in Jesus’ name By Babatope Babalobi babalobi@yahoo.com +234 80 35 897435 Save the World Christian ministry App: Genesis 19 vs 10-11 10 But the men put forth th…
Today Heather talks with Travis Stewart, a licensed professional counselor and leader in the eating disorder recovery world. Travis and Heather discuss how …
Scripture “Dear friend, I pray that you may enjoy good health and that all may go well with you, even as your soul is getting along well.” 3 John 1:2— NIV And “For I will restore …
By Elizabeth Prata Do you have a victim mentality? Photo by Alice Alinari on Unsplash I was saved as a 40-something adult, never having attended church or had been involved in religion or ‘ch…
Sometimes life situations plunge us into a state of confusion and sorrow. A weary heart that needs comfort may find hope and happiness from some of these peace of mind quotes here.
Manipulative people detest when they lose their power over someone else. Manipulation is a game constantly played in human relationships. We often get caught in it because we love the people playing, and we don’t want to risk losing their friendship if we don’t keep them happy. Such a life, however, will not lead you