More Backstory Troubles: "God, the Devil, and Divorce" Memoir Writing

I confess I'm still struggling with where and when to put backstory. Just when I think I've finally found the solution, I read something that convinces me I don't have it right yet. This time the eye opener came from Your Life is a Book by Brenda Peterson & Sarah Jane Freyman. Honestly, I've had my fill of craft writing books, but I purchased this one, along with several others, at the advice of my mentor. So being stuck, I picked it up and began to read.A lot of books talk about "Facing Your Inner Critic" and this one does too. Okay, that's not my problem. I believe I can write well and that I have something important to share, so I believe my inner critic is well balanced . I loved reading how Brenda relates to animals. My animals are an important part of my story. Check. P and F talk about how the music of the time period can take the writer to the moment she's recalling, and also about how singing affects one's body and brain. Since I'm a singer, I mention songs and singing, so check. The authors stress the importance of the subjects, "Eat, Pray, Love." I've included plenty of all three. So good so far.(I go for a cookie here. Food helps me process.)But I'm not solid about how I handle backstory. I'd been telling myself that all the backstory I'm inserting is perfectly legit. Just read Cheryl Strayed's Wild: From Lost to Found on the Pacific Crest Trail. Strayed includes tons of backstory, explaining how she came to be hiking the trail. Wasn't I on solid ground following in the well-worn boots of this fabulous writer? And there it was: P and F writes "If the clotheslines [timeline] is too burdened with disorienting flashbacks--interior, big building blocks of backstory--it will sag, and so will your main story." and in their next chapter, "Each chapter, [Strayed] stressed, was firmly grounded on the Pacific Crest Trail, before she flashed back to any other scenes from her life." 

Okay, I need to study Strayed's technique once more. In my next revision, I'm going to get the timing right. (Maybe I'd better stock up on more cookies first though.)


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