Praying for Holiness: Striving for Holy in a World that Wants Hot

(Photo: Unsplash)

Today we pray that God would make us more holy. It sounds like a strange thing to pray for. But, throughout the New Testament we are encouraged to be striving for holiness. There are many things we strive for on this earth–beauty, power, money, success, love of others, acceptance, approval–but striving for these types of worldly treasures leads us to stress and burnout. It’s never enough when we’re chasing these worldly things. We’ll never be satisfied. But, chasing holiness? That’s when we have the opportunity to really let God’s love, beauty, and light radiate through us. Doesn’t God ask us to be more like Jesus and not more like the women we compare ourselves, too? Today, we pray for holiness – that we would crave Godly perfection, not worldly perfection. We also pray that God would give us the desire to want to be more holy and that he would help us grow in holiness so that we can beam with His light and beauty!

Action Step and Verse of the Day for Praying for Holiness:

Verse: Hebrews 12:14,Strive for peace with everyone, and for the holiness without which no one will see the Lord.”

Action step: Listen to the “Hot or Holy” episode from last summer here:

Ready to get free this year and stop stressing over food and your body?

Try Christian Body Image Coaching with Heather or check out her Christian body image book here.

Grab an individual, one-on-one coaching appointment or preview appointment here: Christian Body Image Coaching or

tune in to Him prayer series to pray for body image and insecurity and food issues

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