Undoubting faith: How to help doubting Christian teens

Doubting is not uncommon for teenagers. This can be especially true for those who are navigating their faith. Many may view doubt as a negative thing.

However, it can actually be a sign of growth and a desire for deeper understanding.

As a Christian, it can be challenging for you to watch a teen struggle with their faith.

Remember that doubt is a natural part of the spiritual journey.

This article explores some ways you can help Christian teens have undoubting faith, guiding them to navigate this phase with compassion and empathy.

An adult prays for a Christian teen as she helps her build undoubting faith and overcome struggles of doubt.
An adult prays for a Christian teen as she helps her build undoubting faith and overcome struggles of doubt. (Photo by Ben White from Unsplash)

Undoubting Faith in God

Undoubting faith in God refers to a strong, unshakable belief in His existence and power.

Those with undoubting faith often have a deep sense of trust in His plan.

They may feel a personal connection to Him through prayer, worship, or other religious practices.

While doubt can be a natural part of a Christian’s spiritual journey, those with undoubting faith in God may have a strong sense of conviction that their beliefs are true.

According to the Bible Truth, this allows them to receive whatever they ask of Him in prayer.

However, it is important to note that having doubt or uncertainty about God does not necessarily mean that a person lacks faith.

It also does not mean that he is less devout.

For instance, many people find that questioning their beliefs leads to a stronger and more meaningful faith.

How Doubt Affects Faith

Doubt is a natural part of the human experience. It can play a significant role in shaping one’s beliefs and perspectives.

When it comes to matters of faith, doubt can be particularly complex and impactful.

Some people view doubt as a threat to their faith. Meanwhile, others see it as an opportunity for growth and exploration.

The State Journal-Register (TSJR) stated that there are several Biblical personas who had their fair share of doubts.

For example, the Gospel of John tells the story of Andrew expressing his doubt about Jesus’ ability to feed a crowd of 5,000 people using only five fish and two loaves of bread.

Similarly, in the Book of Acts, Peter had doubts about whether or not to reach out to Gentiles.

There was also Thomas, “The Doubter,” who, at first, refused to believe in Jesus’ resurrection.

Given the examples, TSJR stated that it’s important to develop a sense of ease toward doubt. Fixating on it can only cause it to intensify.

If Christians let their doubts consume them, it can lead to a destructive cycle of uncertainty.

With this, having faith doesn’t mean being completely free from doubt. Rather, true faith involves persevering in the belief in God even when plagued by doubts.

A painting that portrays Jesus' resurrection.
A representation of Jesus being risen from the dead. (Photo by EUGENIO BARBOZA from Pexels)

Ways to Help Christian Teens Have Undoubting Faith

Teens are naturally curious. They have the desire to understand the world around them, including their faith. This curiosity can manifest itself in various ways.

It includes asking questions, seeking out new experiences, and exploring different ideas and perspectives.

When it comes to matters of faith, this curiosity can be both a blessing and a challenge.

It can lead teens to seek out answers to important questions about their beliefs and values.

On the other hand, it can also lead to doubts and uncertainty. They grapple with complex and often abstract concepts.

These may be about the existence of God, the nature of the soul, and the purpose of human existence.

As a result, it is important for you and other adults to help them navigate this phase in their Christian life.

Teen struggling with doubts in her faith.
A woman appears to be confused. (Photo by Monstera from Pexels)

Create Safe, Supportive Environment

One of the best ways you can help Christian teens develop undoubting faith is to encourage their curiosity.

Provide an avenue for them to ask questions and let them explore their beliefs in a safe and supportive environment.

Recognize that many young people are grappling with questions of faith and may be struggling in silence.

According to Crosswalk, despite appearing to be “good kids,” they may be wrestling with doubts that they don’t feel comfortable sharing.

Offer your support by making them feel safe and supported in asking tough questions.

You can assure them that having doubt is not a bad thing

They may also be affirmed that voicing their concerns will not be met with judgment or confrontation. Rather, you will respond to them with love and understanding.

Help Discover Answers

In an article, YM360 quoted Dr. Tim Keller’s words on faith and doubt, in which he emphasizes that ignoring doubts can ultimately lead to a collapse of faith. This is why it is crucial for you to help teens discover answers to their questions.

By encouraging them to delve deeper into their doubts and seek answers, you can help them come to a place of greater understanding and ultimately strengthen their faith.

However, allow them to recognize that not all questions will have easy answers. Not all questions will also provide them with immediate comfort.

They can discover a deeper understanding of God’s love and purpose by exploring these questions through the lens of faith.

In this way, you can guide Christian teens towards an undoubting faith rooted in a genuine, personal relationship with God that can withstand the challenges of life.

A parent bonding with her daughters, creating a positive relationship and environment that can help them build undoubting faith.
A group of women enjoys flowers and pastries. (Photo by EKATERINA BOLOVTSOVA from Pexels)

Help Understand Undoubting Faith

Humans have a deep desire to understand and know everything about the world. This includes God and His ways.

However, it is important to recognize that human knowledge and understanding of God will always be limited.

Despite this, YM360 stated that you could help Christian teens realize that the fact that God has made Himself knowable to man is truly amazing.

Allow them to understand that may not be able to comprehend all of God’s ways.

By seeking to know Him, they can deepen their relationship with Him and grow in faith.

The tension between what they can and cannot know about God may be challenging at times.

It also provides them with assurance.

Knowing that they can never fully understand God should not discourage them. Rather, it should encourage Christian teens to continue seeking Him.

Let them Witness Gospel in Action

It can be difficult to navigate the challenges of raising young people in the faith, especially in a world that often seems at odds with the Gospel message.

As an adult, it is important that you consider whether they truly see the transformative power of the Gospel in action.

Are they witnessing firsthand the impact that the Gospel can have on a person’s soul, a marriage, or a community of believers?

If not, Crosswalk stated that you might be inadvertently giving them a reason to doubt the power and relevance of their faith.

It is also crucial that you model a sincere and authentic faith. By doing so, you can help teens see the Gospel clearly at work and be inspired to embrace it for themselves.

A woman being baptized.
A woman gets baptized. (Photo by Josue Michel from Unsplash)

Build Undoubting Faith with Resources

As an adult, you can provide Christian teens with resources to help address their struggles with doubt in their faith.

From this, you can encourage them to read books and articles written by respected theologians or Christian authors who have dealt with something similar.

If you equip them with the necessary resources, the experience and outcomes of doubt can be transformative.

If you were uncertain about what resources to recommend, Axis has put together a comprehensive list.

One resource on the list is “Is God Just a Human Invention?” by Sean McDowell. This book addresses common questions raised by the New Atheists and provides thoughtful answers.

Another, “The Case for Christ,” by Lee Strobel, presents evidence for the truth of Christianity through interviews with experts.

Let them Hear Other Worldviews

It is important not to shelter Christian teens from other worldviews and perspectives.

Exposure to differing beliefs can help them better understand and defend their own faith.

You can train them to contrast Christianity with opposing worldviews while in a loving environment.

As you do so, stop yourself from dumbing down or oversimplifying other worldviews, such as evolution or other religions.

According to Crosswalk, Christian apologetics is not beyond the grasp of young people.

So, it will be helpful to give them honest information and encourage them to wrestle with objections.

Additionally, this helps them understand how Christianity is the only worldview that makes sense of the world.

Contrarily, other worldviews fall short. In turn, this can strengthen their faith and help them defend it.

Teach them How to Study God’s Word

Focusing on rote memorization and reciting Bible stories to Christian teens are easy.

Although helpful, these alone would not equip them to have undoubting faith.

Instead, you need to go deeper and teach them how to read and study the Bible.

According to Crosswalk, you need to teach them how to interpret God’s Word in its proper context and how to apply its truths to their lives.

It will not only help them overcome doubt, but it will also prepare them to defend their faith and share it with others.

Christian teen studying the Bible to build an undoubting faith and relationship with God.
A woman appears to be reviewing. (Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels)

Overall, doubt is a normal part of the faith journey, especially for Christian teens who are grappling with the complexities of their beliefs.

As a parent, pastor, or mentor, you can help them overcome their doubts by following the practical advice listed.

Walk alongside them in this journey with empathy and compassion. Trust that God will guide them to a deeper and richer relationship with Him.

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I'm a Christian who sees the church as my second home. Not only were my parents the ones who raised me, but our church elders and members also played a significant role. However, despite attending church every Sunday, I still have some questions regarding my faith. As a writer, the articles I create serve as answers to the questions I've had and continue to have, and I hope they can serve a purpose for others who are searching for the same answers.