At God's Good Pleasure
I can rest in the assurance that God was pleased to call me by his grace, to reveal his Son in me, and to adopt me to himself by his purpose.
I can rest in the assurance that God was pleased to call me by his grace, to reveal his Son in me, and to adopt me to himself by his purpose.
It is commonly taught in churches, no matter what denomination or theological persuasion, that God loves us with an unconditional love. This is said so frequently, and with such assurance, we accept it as being true. But this supposed truism isn’t true; and one need not be a theological scholar...
The world is blessed because we have fathers in it. As we celebrate Father's Day and the great impact fathers have had on the lives of their families and the
The assurance and security of the believer are essential to understand, and there are widely varying theological positions on the issue. But the assurance of our salvation provides the foundation and stability to our lives, removing doubt and uncertainty and deepening our faith and trust in the Lord
The disciples were worried. If a most respectable man like the rich young ruler can’t enter eternal life, then what hope do they have? As usual, Peter was the one who spoke on behalf of the rest. Jesus just asked a rich man to leave everything he had and to follow him. That’s why Peter says to Jesus, “We have left everything to follow you.” Jesus’ answer is a powerful one. He assures the disciples that there will never be any loss in following him.
By Elizabeth Prata The IMMUTABILITY OF GOD – defined, The unchangeability of God. In biblical theology God is described as unchanging in His nature and in His character. This includes God’s b…
This verse emphasizes the importance of contentment and trust in God's provision. As we resist the allure of wealth, we find comfort in His promise of unwavering presence and support, regardless of our circumstances.
This verse reassures us of God's unwavering faithfulness. His promises are certain, never failing. In times of doubt, we find solace in the certainty that every word from God will come fruition.
Once out of Egypt, Moses followed the Lord’s instructions by leading the Israelites towards the promised land. God assured them they didn’t need to fear ene
And you also were included in Christ when you heard the message of truth, the gospel of your salvation. When you believed, you were marked in him with a seal, the promised Holy Spirit, who is a dep…
Sometimes life starts spinning. It can make us dizzy and cause us to lose our balance. I don’t know about you, but the world feels like a Merry Go Round right now! Here are 7 powerful assurances when life is spinning around too fast. Why not drop by for a few moments of hope?
The Secret to Instant Positivity Written by Michael Matthews Decades of psychological research has demonstrated that we construct our worldview based on what we pay attention to, not what is. …
The word “salvation” in Greek, Soteriology , is derived from two Greek words, Soteria , meaning salvation, and logos , meaning “word, discourse, or doctrine.” Having studied the infinite holy nature of God and the fallen, depraved nature of man, only God could bridge the gap between Himself and H
Sometimes life is just a struggle. Nothing makes sense and when it does you are usually trying to figure out why things happen the way they do. At some point, you most likely will ask the question, “Where is God in all of this?” In the midst of transition or perhaps even a loss, it
You are valuable because you are a child of God. You are worthy and loveable just as you are. This truth is the foundation of a secure identity.
I wish I had no regrets as I look back over the past year. I wouldn’t be surprised if we all do. For me, it’s the realization that wasted time really does add up to a huge pit of should haves that can never be regained.
Our entire experience on the New Earth will be of happiness far greater than Adam and Eve could have ever imagined.
Ministry is hard. It’s even harder when you aren’t prepared. Take some time now and consider how you are responding to the demands of ministry, how you can improve, and developing a plan to address any concerns you uncover.
These special 50 quotes for Christians can remind you to love, forgive and have faith in God. They will inspire you to endure all of life’s challenges.