40 Fashion Verses Needed for a Decent Lifestyle
Are you searching for fashion verses? Here are several of them that teach about modesty and how to stay away from worldly lifestyles.
Are you searching for fashion verses? Here are several of them that teach about modesty and how to stay away from worldly lifestyles.
Kids like clothes too. Why not take a little extra time to help them to be stylish? Here are 5 tips on how to style your kids.
By Elizabeth Prata I love church. I love the music, hymns & songs connecting me to my ancestors in the faith, all the way back. I love the sermons, God’s word expositionally preached …
Wondering what to do and what not to do on a bad body image day? Here are five tips to help you navigate those days when you wake up and feel “bleh” about your body. If somedays you feel more consumed with your body and the desire to change it feels overwhelming, know you are not alone …
Don’t let these three creativity killers steal your joy and squash your creative ideas before they have a chance to bloom.
Do we want to be hot or holy? Your answer may be: Both! But the pursuit of a hotter body and the pursuit of looking more like Jesus can sometimes be competing interests. Of course, our pursuit of beauty isn’t something to be ashamed of. We’ve been programmed to believe that our value i …
I’ve cautioned you in a previous blog to never come to me for financial advice. I need to add another caution. I am not the person to come to for fashion tips either. Nope. Don’t do it. I usually d…
Model Month on the Compared to Who? show continues as we talk to Kristen Clark, a former showroom model who shares how modeling affected the way she saw herself and her relationship with Jesus. Now she encourages women and girls that you are more than a body!
Our brand new series talking to former models continues today with the second part of my conversation with Amanda Cunningham, a former runway model. It’s been highly informative to find out more about the secret life of a runway model. Today she shares more about how she came to know Jesus, …
Have you ever looked at a model and thought, “If I could just look like that than I wouldn’t struggle with my body image?” I have. I interview Amanda Cunningham, a former runway model who shares some behind the scenes details of what the world of modeling is really like and how being a part …
Would you like to feel better about your appearance? Make a statement in 2022 with these intuitive, but powerful beauty tips.
This season’s gathering of gifts and graces is one tall, skinny bell, but here it is, this winter’s list of simple things I’m grateful for. catshot teacrockpotsgame nightscoffee shops4-wheel drivevisits with familysunrise & sunsetfleece-lined tightsbirds at the feedera good snowstormthe book of ProverbsJanuary skies. Every day.kids home for Christmasfresh starts and new merciesmiddle and high school actorspirate-themed costume partieshard conversations & encouraging wordssons, daughters, and their significant othersflannel shirts—red or pink ones, in particularwildlife footprints in the snow across the pondsun streaming relentlessly in through the windowunexpected white space due to weather cancelations If you’d like to keep a record of your season’s gifts and graces, I’ve made a simple, no-strings-attached printable just for that purpose.
“Can I braid your hair?” The question came from one of the girls in my church youth group back when we were in high school. “Oh,” I said with a coy giggle as I pushed back the thick curly locks pouring over my shoulders like a hirsute waterfall, “I guess so.” My hair was my …
I’m a huge fan of the Olympics. But, a few years ago I discovered something really fascinating about my body image struggles while I was watching Olympic swimming. The bodies of the elite athletes did not look like the bodies on the magazine covers. Now, some of that has changed since my discovery–which is a …
Ahh . . . clothes. I love clothes. Well, sometimes I love them. Other days, I hate them. I look at my closet and search through my drawers and physically feel like there’s no possible way anything will fit. Clothes have this funky connection to my body image. Sometimes they help me feel “better” (or …
How to deal with aging doesn’t come naturally to most of us. Our culture focuses on the superficial but God focuses on the eternal. Read 5 Tips on how to look at aging in a new way.
Getting rid of clothes that don’t fit and the extra body image issues they cause is a huge topic for many of my readers. For this reason, I decided to UPDATE this post from 2016 and record a podcast episode on the topic you can listen to here! I’ve been working on a coaching client …
I’ll be the first to admit: I love clothes. I own way too many and sometimes spend hours thinking of new outfits and trying things on, attempting to find the perfect balance between flattering, trendy, and comfortable. I’m a fashion-lover, but what would God say about this? With the time I spend on my outfits, …
The role of makeup is not to cover up, but to enhance what is already there. As we radiate the joy of the LORD, our beauty is evident to all.
One of the key benefits of my marriage is that I dress better. My wife, Mary, has good taste, and she makes me look good. If I had never married, I’m pretty sure I would still be taking my se…