Podcast: Watching the Olympics, Body Image, & True Beauty

I’m a huge fan of the Olympics. But, a few years ago I discovered something really fascinating about my body image struggles while I was watching Olympic swimming. The bodies of the elite athletes did not look like the bodies on the magazine covers. Now, some of that has changed since my discovery–which is a good thing. But, something sneaky about our body image struggle is revealed when we watch the best athletes in the world compete.

So, what does watching the Olympics teach us about our body image struggles? We say we desire health…but these women are some of the healthiest in the world–and yet not all of their bodies are “enviable” according to magazine model standards. Whether or not you are a sports fan, this episode can encourage your heart as we talk about the real struggle behind our body image issues and how to defeat the body image idol.

Want More Food for Thought on Your Body Image and the Olympics?

Read the Olympics post referenced in this episode here: https://comparedtowho.me/olympics-help-struggle-with-body-image/

Connect with Compared to Who? take the free body image quiz and get your free “Walk to Lose the Weight of Comparison” Walking Workout Download here: https://www.comparedtowho.me

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Olympics and Body Image

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what the olympics teach us about body image


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