What does heaven look like?

Have you ever found yourself gazing up at the vast expanse of the sky, contemplating the mysteries that lie beyond? 

As a Christian, surely, you've pondered the question: What does heaven look like? 

It is a question that has intrigued and captivated believers throughout the ages. It sparks our curiosity about the nature of the eternal abode promised to us by our faith.

Heaven, as described in Christian theology, is often depicted as a spiritual realm beyond the confines of our physical world. 

It is a place where the soul finds ultimate fulfillment and eternal communion with God. 

However, what precisely awaits us in this celestial realm remains a subject of speculation. This is because the limitations of our mortal understanding prevent us from comprehending its full glory.

Yet, amidst the mystery, we find solace in the words of Scripture. 

The Bible provides revelations about heaven, especially in the New Testament.

So, the article draws upon the depictions in the Bible to give you an understanding of what heaven looks like.

Old Testament’s expectation of heaven

In the Old Testament, the depiction of what heaven looked like was not explicitly clear. 

The descriptions and references to heaven in the Hebrew Bible are often symbolic and metaphorical, making it challenging to form a concrete visual representation. 

One thing that you can discern is the expectation and anticipation of what heaven is going to be. Here are some of them.

Entering the ultimate rest

The ancient Israelites and the writers of the Old Testament expressed a deep longing for a place of ultimate rest and communion with God.

One aspect of this longing for rest and communion with God can be traced back to the creation account in Genesis. 

According to Genesis 2:1-3, God rested on the seventh day after completing His work of creation. 

The concept of rest was significant to the Israelites. It became associated with the ultimate rest that awaited God's people. 

In Hebrews 4:9-11, the New Testament elaborates on this concept, stating that there remains a Sabbath rest for the people of God. 

The passage suggests that entering this rest is not limited to the physical realm but is an experience that goes beyond earthly existence.

Experiencing heaven upon their deaths

Another expectation of experiencing heaven is in relation to the belief in life after death. 

In Psalm 17:15, the psalmist expresses the hope of seeing God's face and being satisfied when he awakens in righteousness. 

The anticipation of seeing God's face indicates the longing for a heavenly encounter and the assurance of eternal life in God's presence. 

Furthermore, in Matthew 22:22-23, Jesus affirms the resurrection and the continuation of life after death. 

In response to the Sadducees' question about marriage in the afterlife, Jesus states that those who belong to the resurrection will be like angels in heaven.

New Testament’s depiction of heaven

For New Testament believers, the depiction of what heaven looked like became clearer. 

Through the teachings of Jesus and the visions received by the apostles, a more detailed and vivid picture of heaven emerged, providing believers with glimpses of its magnificence and glory. 

Heaven has mansions as dwelling places

One depiction of heaven in the New Testament is the idea of mansions or dwelling places. 

In John 14:2, Jesus assures his disciples, 

"In my Father's house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you." 

The imagery suggests that heaven is a place of personalized dwelling spaces. It emphasizes the individual care and provision that God has prepared for His children. 

Moreover, it conveys a sense of eternal belonging and the promise of a heavenly abode that surpasses any earthly home.

In His Temple lies the arc of the covenant

Another aspect of heaven's depiction is the presence of the Ark of the Covenant in God's temple. 

In Revelation 11:19, the apostle John sees a vision of the temple of God in heaven. And in it is the Ark of His covenant. 

The Ark of the Covenant was a sacred symbol of God's presence and covenant relationship with His people in the Old Testament. 

Its presence in heaven signifies the eternal fulfillment of God's promises and the continuation of His covenant in the heavenly realm.

Precious gemstones adore the great city

The description of heaven also includes the adornment of precious gemstones in the great city. 

In Revelation 21:18-21, the apostle John describes the new Jerusalem as a city adorned with gold, precious stones, and pearls. 

The use of these lavish and valuable materials symbolizes the glory, beauty, and purity of the heavenly realm. 

Moreover, it evokes a sense of wonder and awe, reflecting the majesty and splendor of God's eternal dwelling place.

Pearl gates and golden streets

The imagery of pearl gates and streets of gold further enhances the picture of heaven. 

In Revelation 21:21, John describes the twelve gates of the new Jerusalem as pearls. 

Meanwhile, the streets of the city are as pure gold, transparent as glass in Revelation 21:21. 

These descriptions symbolize the preciousness, purity, and grandeur of heaven's entrance and thoroughfares.

They suggest a realm of unparalleled beauty and richness, where even the most valuable earthly materials pale in comparison.

Tree of Life is in the middle

Lastly, the Tree of Life stands in the middle of heaven. 

In Revelation 22:2, John envisions the river of the water of life flowing from the throne of God. And flanking the river, the Tree of Life stands, abundantly bearing twelve fruits on each side.

The imagery alludes to the Tree of Life from the Garden of Eden, signifying the restoration of eternal life and communion with God. 

Moreover, the Tree of Life represents the abundant and everlasting sustenance found in heaven, providing nourishment and healing to its inhabitants.

How to set your sights toward heaven

As you continue your journey on earth, it is essential to set your sights on heaven and live a Christlike life. 

While we may not fully comprehend the splendor of heaven, the Bible assures us of its reality and the eternal joy it holds for those who believe in Jesus Christ. 

By directing your focus towards heaven, you align your heart, mind, and actions with the ultimate purpose of your existence. 

So, here are some ways that you can set your sights on heaven.

Meditate on God’s word

One practical way is to meditate on God's Word. By immersing yourself in the Scriptures, you gain a deeper understanding of God's character, His redemptive plan, and His teachings.

Psalm 119:105 declares, 

"Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path." 

Refrain from judgment

Another crucial aspect is refraining from judgment. 

Jesus emphasizes the importance of compassion, mercy, and forgiveness in our interactions with others. 

In Matthew 7:1-2, He says, 

"Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." 

By cultivating a nonjudgmental spirit, you demonstrate the love and grace of Christ, extending forgiveness and understanding to those around you. 

Live a life like Christ

Living a life like Christ is at the heart of setting your sights on heaven. 

Jesus serves as the perfect example of love, humility, and selflessness. 

In 1 Peter 2:21, it says, 

"To this, you were called because Christ suffered for you, leaving you an example, that you should follow in his steps." 

By emulating His character, you display the transformative power of the Gospel and become a beacon of light in a world longing for hope and salvation. 

Focus on heaven

In summary, the Bible provides Christians with glimpses and descriptions of heaven. It instills in us the hope and anticipation of a glorious eternal home. 

To be with Christ in heaven, it is crucial to live a Christlike life here on earth. 

By setting our sights on heaven and aligning our thoughts, attitudes, and actions with the teachings of Jesus, we show our faithfulness and commitment to following Him.

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    I'm a Christian who sees the church as my second home. Not only were my parents the ones who raised me, but our church elders and members also played a significant role. However, despite attending church every Sunday, I still have some questions regarding my faith. As a writer, the articles I create serve as answers to the questions I've had and continue to have, and I hope they can serve a purpose for others who are searching for the same answers.

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