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    Spiritual But Not Religious

    The Weekly Speak is a curated rundown of the week’s top stories with Christian commentary and analysis. Sign up today to get the Weekly Speak in your email every week!“The Conversion of Public Intellectuals” - Luke Bretherton, CommentWhat should we make of so many recent conversions to Christianity? Some of these conversions rely on an argument, not just about Christianity but the West more generally. What resources are there in the secular West to keep our great tradition alive and our values a

    7 min read
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    Who Do You Have to Encourage You?

    There will be times in your life and mine when the difference between obedience and disobedience may very well hinge on somebody’s example.While principles are good, and promises are great, and the workings of the Holy Spirit are indispensable, still, there are those times when a flesh-and-blood example can mean...

    5 min read
  • Can You Trust "The Name?"

    It's not a matter of literally knowing God's name. There is a much broader sense wherein one's name is representative of everything about them.

    8 min read
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    The Agenda of Angels

    The psalmist wrote, “Bless you the Lord, you his angels …” (Psalm 103:20); and in the next verse, referring to the angels, wrote, “Bless ministers of His who do His pleasures.”Broadly stated, this is the angels’ agenda, to do God’s pleasures.And what are these pleasures?Luke 12:32 says it is the...

    7 min read
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    The Soaring Life

    “He turns coal into diamonds,Sand into pearls,Worms into butterflies.He can turn your life around, too.”-Toby MacDuring their fall migration, monarch butterflies travel thousands of miles south from Canada to Mexico. This majestic aerialist begins its life as a humble caterpillar, a creature who can barely crawl across the sidewalk without...

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    Revivals in 2024

    Revivals in 2024 Evangelism and revival continues to spread in 2024. Don’t sleep through it (as many churches did in the Jesus Revolution of the 1970s) Share good news – Share this and any …

    10 min read
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    Preach To Them

    Image by Gordon Johnson from Pixabay 3 1-2 Next, God spoke to Jonah a second time: “Up on your feet and on your way to the big city of Nineveh! Preach to them. They’re in a bad way and I can’t igno…

    3 min read
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    Lesbianism is a sin

    Lesbianism is a sin By Babatope Babalobi babalobi@yahoo.com +234 80 35 897435 Save the World Christian Ministry App Click here to join our WhatsApp Prayer Group Romans 1 vs 26 For this cau…

    1 min read
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    The Enemy Within, Part 2

    In my previous writing on this theme, I drew our attention to Jesus' words about the source of evil in the world. “For from within, out of the heart of man, come evil thoughts, sexual immorality, theft, murder, adultery, coveting, wickedness, deceit, sensuality, envy, slander, pride, foolishness. All these evil things come from within, and they defile a person” (Mark 7:20–23).I would like to follow that discussion with a related question: How can I identify the enemy’s voice in my heart? We are,

    6 min read
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    God Has Prepared New Jerusalem

    The city of the living God, the city having the foundations, has been prepared by God. Hebrews 11:16b says, “He has prepared for them a city.” This preparation is the process which the processed Tr…

    2 min read
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    12 Signs Of An Emotionally Broken Woman - Olubunmi Mabel

    Emotions! They are part of what makes us humans; however, when they are trifled with, a person could easily lose it. Emotional brokenness is a mental and emotional state of deep-seated trauma after a significantly impacting event or string of events, e.g., heartbreak, loss, rape, disappointment, etc. Women experience emotional brokenness, and this is a …

    11 min read
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    A New Look at Scars - A Nighttime Prayer

    “You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives." -- Genesis 50:20 Please Pray:Father, I am grateful for Jesus’s nail-scarred hands and feet. They remind us of your immense love, sending your son to die for...

    1 min read
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    What is the Wilderness? - Natalie Ogbourne

    In the literal sense, wilderness is often defined more by what it is not than what it is. Uninhabited. Inhospitable. Uncultivated. Figuratively, we often refer to it as a representation of times of difficulty or disorientation. Whether literal or figurative, wilderness is sometimes hard for us to recognize.

    4 min read
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    What Does the Bible Teach about Church Membership?

    Originally published July 9th, 2020Accountability Within a Church BodyThe concept of church discipline can often make Christians uncomfortable for several reasons. Either they have seen it practiced and exercised improperly, or the idea of a group holding each other accountable for how they live is offensive. As Americans, we live in a very independent culture. Individuality is esteemed and independence is encouraged. The concept of “we” and “our” as pertains to community and a people in a coven

    8 min read
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    Animal worship is a sin.

    Animal worship is a sin. By Babatope Babalobi babalobi@yahoo.com +234 80 35 897435 Save the World Christian Ministry App Click here to join our WhatsApp Prayer Group Romans 1 vs 23 And cha…

    1 min read
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    Hard to Believe

    “This is how the birth of Jesus the Messiah came about: His mother Mary was pledged to be married to Joseph, but before they came together, she was found to be pregnant through the Holy Spirit.” Ma…

    2 min read
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    Episode 2 is live

    The ARC Logos Podcast went live on YouTube and Spotify on the 17th September 2024. Click on the link below to watch, share, comment and subscribe. You can also catch snippets and learn more about o…

    2 min read
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    The 5 Unforgivable Sins Of Marriage - Olubunmi Mabel

    Marriage is beautiful. It is a sacred bond between two people who vowed to love each other through good and bad times. Some couples fulfill these vows because their marriage was built on love, trust, and mutual respect. As sacred as the bond of marriage is, there are certain actions that can terribly affect and …

    9 min read
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    The Joy of Perseverance

    Life has a way of presenting unpleasant interruptions; however, God often uses those interruptions as teachable moments. Recently, my teachable moment came when my washer, which had a 10-year warra…

    6 min read
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    Small groups and propaganda

    By Elizabeth Prata Photo by Alexis Brown on Unsplash Josh Daws, @JoshDaws, wrote on Twitter/X on 7:30 AM · Oct 2, 2024 the following- 🤯 Jacques Ellul on the role of the small group in spreading pro…

    6 min read
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    Bribe-taking is a sin.

    Bribe-taking is a sin. By Babatope Babalobi babalobi@yahoo.com +234 80 35 897435 Save the World Christian Ministry App Click here to join our WhatsApp Prayer Group Act 24 vs 26 He hoped al…

    1 min read
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    Transformed to Precious Stones

    New Jerusalem, the conclusion of the Bible, is the peak of God’s accomplishments throughout the ages. It is a city designed by God and built by God through His operation in all His people. Re…

    2 min read
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    Has Your World Suddenly Changed? - Today Can Be Different

    Whether our trial causes only temporary, albeit unwanted, adjustments, or if life suddenly changes in drastic, more permanent ways, I hope we’ll experience God’s presence as we meditate on 2 Corinthians 1:3-4 and allow God’s Holy Spirit to change how we respond to our trials.

    3 min read
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    11 of The World’s Worst Advice on Marriage - Olubunmi Mabel

    Perhaps the institution that gets the most pieces of advice is marriage. From your favorite aunty, your friendly neighbor, to your go-to rom-com, there is always something to hear about what to do and not to do in marriage. This is probably not surprising, considering how sensitive marriage is. Therefore, solicited or not, people feel …

    11 min read
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    Attractive Women Never Have These 9 Habits - Olubunmi Mabel

    Some time ago, I hung out with some of my friends from church. At some point, we played a game called “Spin the Bottle.” I must add that while we asked pretty intimate questions, we didn’t ask those crazy questions that usually accompany such games. Well, someone asked me a question that got me thinking. …

    10 min read
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    The Availability of Angels

    Hebrew 1:14 speaks of angels as ministering spirits set forth to minister to those who inherit salvation.And who are they? Well, that includes you, because Galatians 3:29 says, if you are Christ’s, you are heirs according to the promise! The service of these angels, therefore, is part of your inheritance.When...

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    5785 – Establishment & Advancement

    “And from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffers violence, and the violent take it by force” (Matthew‬ ‭11‬:‭12‬). The 2nd October marked the beginning of the Jewish N…

    5 min read
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    As if You’re Holding the Map

    Have you ever sat and listened to someone share with you what is exciting news to them, but it triggered an odd feeling inside you? Something seemed off, not right. April shared with me an event ha…

    3 min read
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    The Awesomeness of Angels

    Angels are often depicted as sissy cherubim with hands folded, halos above the head, either singing a song or having their mouths formed in the shape of a perfect “O”.These cookie-cutter angels—suggesting Heaven said, “I’ll take a million of those and a million of those”—hardly look like a formidable force...

    2 min read
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    Self-glorification is a sin.

    Self-glorification is a sin. By Babatope Babalobi babalobi@yahoo.com +234 80 35 897435 Save the World Christian Ministry App Click here to join our WhatsApp Prayer Group Act 12 vs 22-23 22…

    2 min read
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    Christianity Goes Global

    The Weekly Speak is a curated rundown of the week’s top stories with Christian commentary and analysis. Sign up today to get the Weekly Speak in your email every week!“Reflections on the Fourth Lausanne Congress: Declaring and Displaying Christ Together” - Trevin Wax, Kingdom People There’s never been anything quite like the Lausanne Conference. Started in 1974 by John Stott, Billy Graham, and other evangelical leaders, the gathering saw Christians from across the world come together with a cent

    7 min read
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    Linger at the Altar — Carol McLeod Ministries

    I intend to cross my finish line sweaty, not rusty, as I continue to teach the Word of God and encourage my generation with the joy of His presence. The goal of my life is to make hell smaller and heaven bigger. I will not be quiet; I will not pause and I will not be distracted from this call.

    12 min read
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    Knocked Down by Words

    Have you ever felt like someone just knocked you over with words…not caring how it made you feel? I know I have. One day my Golden Retriever showed me just how it’s done.

    5 min read
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    The Healing Power of Laughter

    A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person's strength. -- Proverbs 17:22She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come. -- Proverbs 31:25Our mouths were filled with laughter, our tongues with songs of joy. -- Psalm 126:2aMom needed to...

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    Angels All Around Us

    The Devil has his demons, God has his angels; and while we hear a lot about demons these days, we’re not hearing as much about angels.We know the number of God's angels is at least twice the size as the number of the Devil's demons. So how many angels are...

    4 min read
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    Unlimited: All Things Work Together For Good | Good News Unlimited

    The testimony of Scripture is that all things work together for good to those who love God. We have a Christ who gathers up the fragments so that nothing is lost. Without suffering there would be no sympathy; without hardship there would be no hardihood; without pain there would be no patience. There is no way to holiness except through hell. There are two ways to react to the troubles of life. Jacob said, “All these things are against me” (Genesis 42:36). But Joseph said, “You meant it for evil but God meant it for good” (Genesis 50:20). Paul, after being shipwrecked, stoned, beaten with rods, meeting with false brethren, enduring a thorn in the flesh year after year, could say, For I am persuaded that neither death, nor life, nor things present or things to come, nor principalities or powers, nor any other created thing is able to separate us from the love of God in Christ, Jesus, our Lord (Romans 8:38–39).

    2 min read
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    Unlimited: Embrace Pure Joy | Good News Unlimited

    What is pure joy for you? Is it a day at the beach? Is it breakfast in bed? Is it winning the lottery? The Apostle James starts his letter with a really strange statement. You would expect him to tell his readers to be joyful when everything is going well because the Lord is blessing them. Not at all; instead he tells us to consider it pure joy when we face trouble and difficulty. James says that “whenever” you are facing trials—not some of the trials, but all of them—you should could it not as a little bit of joy, but 100%, unadulterated, full-bottle joy!

    2 min read
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    "Tell your family and friends to stop..." - Divorce Minister

    “Tell your family and friends to stop telling [Cheater] to not divorce you,” says Cheater Supporter. My divorce happened because my Cheater chose it.* At the time, I was trying to dissuade her from what I considered an sinful divorce on her part. While I was still wishing to avoid divorce, a supporter of my … Continue reading "“Tell your family and friends to stop…”"

    2 min read
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    Persecuting Christians is a sin.

    Persecuting Christians is a sin. By Babatope Babalobi babalobi@yahoo.com +234 80 35 897435 Save the World Christian Ministry App Click here to join our WhatsApp Prayer Group Act 9 vs 4 A…

    1 min read
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    8 Ugly Truths About Marriage We Don't Want To Admit - Olubunmi Mabel

    Marriage isn’t the paradise it is painted to be. Beginning with the Disney animations we loved so much as kids, so much effort has gone into creating the unrealistic impression that marriage is all about “happily ever afters.” Kids grow up watching these movies and forming several unrealistic expectations about marriage. In reality, there are …

    11 min read
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    These 9 Mistakes Will Destroy Your MARRIAGE - Olubunmi Mabel

    According to statistics, almost 50 percent of all marriages in the United States will end in divorce or separation. Now, it is easy to see this as just numbers and believe that you will never be one of them. The problem is that this is not enough to keep a marriage. I also wish that …

    10 min read
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    New Jerusalem: Nothing of the Old Man

    The prior post is about New Jerusalem being composed of all God’s Old Testament and New Testament people. The prior post quotes Ephesians 2:14-15 about Christ having eliminated all distinctio…

    2 min read
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    Praise at work

    By Elizabeth Prata I was chatting with a lady at work. We both arrive pre-dawn. We looked at the rural night sky and marveled at the creations there; stars, planets, and we talked of how we love he…

    2 min read
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    Divine Health 

    “Is there no balm in Gilead, Is there no physician there? Why then is there no recovery For the health of the daughter of my people” ‭‭-- Jeremiah‬ ‭8‬:‭22‬In Jeremiah 8, Jeremiah lamented for the daughter of Zion as they were afflicted and in distress. The people were oppressed and...

    4 min readDivine
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    The Real Reason Holiness Matters-

    This is how a Christian grieves the Holy Spirit (Ephesians 4:30). It is critical we understand God does not abandon us when we sin post-salvation (John 10:27-29, Romans 8:38-39). God is not mean. …

    6 min read
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    Your new name!

    By Elizabeth Prata Here is a prophecy to look forward to! Believers, if you have been faithful and your persevering walk is evidence of that faith, you will be given a pass into eternal glory upon …

    3 min read
  • As It Happened – kenbarnes.us

    So Ruth went out to gather grain behind the harvesters. And as it happened, she found herself working in a field that belonged to Boaz, the relative of her father-in-law, Elimelech. (Ruth 2:3 NLT)

    2 min read
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    Care Package

    Image by Clker-Free-Vector-Images from Pixabay I have a cousin who seems to suffer a lot in life. I know they believe in God, but I’m not sure if they live a life pleasing to God. Living by God’s c…

    3 min read
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    Guys, do NOT pursue!!! - Divorce Minister

    26 Dear friends, if we deliberately continue sinning after we have received knowledge of the truth, there is no longer any sacrifice that will cover these sins. 27 There is only the terrible expectation of God’s judgment and the raging fire that will consume his enemies. -Hebrews 10:26-27, NLT Guys, do NOT pursue your Cheater! I know this … Continue reading "Guys, do NOT pursue!!!"

    2 min read
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    How Sin Wins—It’s an Inside Job

    Pastors who know the Word better than most of us, who have served the Lord more effectively than most of us, are in the headlines today because of their moral failure.When these stories broke, we were stunned … then sad, supremely sad… and are still bewildered…How can this happen?That’s a...

    11 min read
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    Faith to Believe! — SAMUELDEUTH.COM

    Do you need a miracle? No matter what you’re facing right now, I want to encourage you to stir up your faith to believe that God will intervene in your circumstances! Do you need a miracle in your physical health? Do you need God to restore sanity to your mind? Do you need to see something shift i

    1 min read